Page 19 - PPL Winter 2023 newsletter v5_Neat
P. 19


           Valentine's           The Romance             IRISH Music

               Music             of Schumann
             Concert                                       Concert
               with                    with                   with
           Dan Kennedy             Sweet Rain             Connacht

          Wednesday               Tuesday                Saturday

          February 15             March 14               March 18

            2:00 PM                6:30 PM                2:00 PM

         Kennedy, composer, pianist,  Danby Cho, clarinet; Hyemin  Recently touted as as the
                                Choi, viola; and Haram Kim,
        and recording artist brings  a
                                                        "Boston to Connemara
        Kennedy,               Danby Cho,             Recently touted
          Concert of piano music that  piano, will play very romantic  Connection"...A Fresh Take on
        composer, pianist,     clarinet; Hyemin       as the “Boston to
                               pieces by Robert Schumann
           will warm your heart
                                                         Traditional Irish Music
        and recording          Choi, viola; and       Connemara
        artist brings a        Haram Kim, piano,      Connection”...
        Concert of piano       will play very         A Fresh Take on
                                                      Traditional Irish
        music that will
                               romantic pieces by
        warm your heart        Robert Schumann        Music

                              Cover to Cover   Winter/Spring 2023 Issue     19
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20