Page 25 - SPIRE Digital Version JAN-APR 2024 8th Issue_Neat
P. 25


 SUN, FEB 25  @ 2:00PM-5:00PM
 *****TICKETS SOLD AT DOOR, cash only*****
 [General Admission seating]
 The Shady Roosters are a South Shore-based roots rock band
 that have been together for about twenty-five years, mostly
 under the name Lonesome Jukebox. But they changed the
 name to the Shady Roosters recently as the lineup had
 changed somewhat. Their song list includes a mix of
 rockabilly, blues, roots, and country with some original tunes  BY WOODROW BAVOTA
 that wouldn’t have sounded out of place on jukeboxes of the
 ‘50s and ‘60s. The most important ingredient is fun. They  Master Illusionist Lyn Dillies has enchanted audiences throughout the United States and Canada for more than
 wouldn’t still be doing it if it wasn’t fun and that always  two decades with her astounding illusions. Lyn is the most prominent female magician working in the United
 carries over to the crowd.  States today. Her incomparable illusions are designed to be enjoyed by all ages. She is a regular performer at
             many  of  magic's  most  prestigious  venues  including  Hollywood's  Magic  Castle.  Ms.Dillies  was  the  first  female
 ATLANTA RHYTHM SECTION  illusionist to receive the prestigious Milbourne Christopher Award from the Society of American Magicians. Lyn's
 THU, FEB 29  @ 8PM  many other awards include the International Magicians Society Merlin Award, The Parent’s Choice Award, and
 $70         The Dove Foundation Award.

 Meet & Greet also available!  Welcome Lyn Dillies and thank you so
 Formed from the cream of Atlanta’s studio musicians, the  much for spending a bit of time with us
 Atlanta Rhythm Section (actually hailing from nearby  here at the Spire Center Magazine.
 Doraville, Georgia) came together in 1970 after working on a  Okay this first question is a big one, I'd
 Roy Orbison recording session.  say about nine-tons big! In the Summer
 Keyboardist Dean Daughtry and drummer Robert Nix had  of 2000 it's my understanding that you
 been members of Orbison’s backing group, the Candymen,  were the first Master Illusionist to
 and Daughtry and guitarist J.R. Cobb had been members of  make two elephants appear in front of a
 the Top 40 hitmakers Classics IV (“Spooky,” “Stormy,”  live audience. This illusion was such Big
 “Traces”). Rounding out the original ARS lineup were vocalist  News that it has been recognized by
 Rodney Justo (replaced after the first album by Ronnie  The Society Of American Magicians. I
 Hammond), guitarist Barry Bailey, and bassist Paul Goddard.  can only imagine the prep work that
             went into the design, the building of
             props and rehearsing this monumental
 MASTER ILLUSIONIST LYN DILLIES  illusion with two elephants. Lyn please
 SAT, MAR 02 @ 8PM   fill us in on all of the details!
 $35         Thanks Spire Center Magazine!  It’s such
             an honor to be part of your top notch
 The most highly acclaimed female illusionist in America, Lyn  publication! If someone asked me what
 Dillies delivers a dazzling display of spectacular magic for  my biggest AHA moment of my entire
 audiences of all ages. Rave reviews accompany her unique  career has been, it happened in August
 brand of mystery, comedy and audience participation.  -Salt  of 2000.  The Buttonwood Park Zoo in
 Lake Tribune  New Bedford, MA had been closed for
             renovations for 4 years and was slated
 MASTER ILLUSIONIST LYN DILLIES:  to reopen in August of 2000.  I have
 JUNIOR SHOW***  always loved elephants and  I knew the
 SUN, MAR 03 @ 2PM   zoo had two elephants in their
             collection.  I proposed the idea to Mayor
 $25         Kalisz of making one of the elephants
 A Parent’s Choice Award Winner, Master Illusionist, Lyn  appear for the grand opening.  He loved
 Dillies brings the world of magic to our town. Lyn has been  the idea and gave me the green light.
 deemed America’s Premier Female Illusionist by the Society  After meeting the staff at the zoo, we
 of American Magicians, and is a pioneer in her field. With her  came up with a plan for training Emily
 stunning array of astounding illusions, Lyn’s talent ignites  the elephant.  When I first met her, I was
 each show with energy and excitement.  awestruck by her size!   I started to
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