Page 28 - SPIRE Digital Version JAN-APR 2024 8th Issue_Neat
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have to find a way to make the                                                                                               campaign because he loved
                                                                                audience care about what you’re                                                                                              politics so much. He ran quite a
                                                                                doing and in turn they know you                                                                                              few political campaigns and
                                                                                care about them which makes for a                                                                                            taught me about the importance
                                                                                memorable experience. You can be                                                                                             of voting. My dad was very
                                                                                the most skilled magician in the                                                                                             concerned about voter apathy in
                                                                                world but if you don’t connect with                                                                                          our country. I thought, I will start
                                                                                your audience in some way, the                                                                                               a public service campaign, hold a
                                                                                performance won’t have an impact.                                                                                            voter rally, and for the finale I will
                                                                                In magic, you have to learn the                                                                                              magically produce the two live
                                                                                basics and do as many shows as                                                                                               political mascots of each party…a
                                                                                possible in all kinds of challenging                    I know that you're involved       These people knew we had their     donkey and an elephant out of
                                                                                situations and learn from every                         with various charities, including  backs. It hit me one day that we  thin air and the illusion would be
                                                                                single experience. There are many                       filling the plates of families in  were feeding people more than     the centerpiece for my mission to
                                                                                different genres of magic ranging                       need. Tell us how you got         food, we were feeding them         continue. One thousand people
                                                                                from close-up with cards and coins                      started with your charity work.   hope as well. The hope that they   attended the rally and were
                                                                                to mentalism to comedy magic to                          Right before the pandemic, I     will get through this crisis and   blown away by the illusion. I
                                                                                stage illusions. I tell young                           lost my mom who was my entire     will be okay. HOPE became our      wrote a book about the story
                                                                                magicians starting out to work on                       universe. I didn’t think I would  identity. We sold Hope lawn        behind Your Vote Is Magic that
                                                                                defining their persona as well as                       survive her loss and then the     signs for a fundraiser. We host a  included an overview on voting
                                                                                their skill set and learn all the                       pandemic hit and my show was      Christmas toy give away that       history. For my next feat, I
                                                                                aspects of the business. You have                       shut down. It felt like the end of  ensures that 600 children will   created a presentation for
            Throughout your astounding        A few members of your audience    to walk before you can run. And the                     the world. I needed to find a     have a magical Christmas. For      schools and colleges that
            magic show you weave insightful   are lucky enough to be treated    last point should never be taken for                    purpose. Through my cousin’s      the families’ Christmas card last
                                                                                                                                                                          year, all of the volunteers used
            and very humorous stories that    with being included in your       granted. Last year when we were                         church, a food bank was formed    ourselves on the floor of the
            immediately connect very well     various illusions. Do you have a  setting up the show at the Spire                        that we named Dartmouth
            with your audience of adults and  humorous story from an audience   Center, I took a walk in downtown                       United Outreach to help seniors   church hall to form the letters
            juniors. Watching the show it's   participation?                    Plymouth and someone stopped me                         in need. I went shopping for the  HOPE. What better gift can you
                                                                                                                                                                          give someone? Hope is a reason
            understood that this time with    I sure do! You never know what to  and asked, “How do you get to the                      food and organized a team of      to go on. I am as involved as
            your audience is important to you  expect with audience             Spire Center?” I said, “ Practice,                      volunteers. In just a few months
            personally as well for the show.  participation routines. Once,     practice, practice.”                                    we were delivering bags of food   ever in this mission. We now
            Tell us how you have built your   when I was doing my head          I hate to say it, but I am pretty                       to about 300 seniors every        help out approximately 2,000
                                                                                                                                                                          people on a Tuesday afternoon.
            magical conversation into your    chopper illusion, the poor man    jaded and am not as wowed by                            week. It rapidly expanded to      With no prior experience
            show over the years.              was so nervous, after the trick was  watching magic like I was when I                     helping hundreds of families and
             I feel like I’ve evolved a lot   finished, he ran offstage to use the  was starting out. I do enjoy                        any individual suffering from     running a food outreach
            throughout my career. There is    restroom. Or then there was the   watching David Copperfield                              food insecurity. Because we       program, I just let my heart
                                                                                                                                                                          guide me. I love giving back to
            the everyday Lyn and the onstage  time I was just about to make a   because I appreciate the                                were serving so many, we were     people in need. I’ve had a lot of
            Lyn. It’s taken many years to mesh  young girl float in mid-air and she  perfectionist that he is…the                       led to a connection to the
            the everyday and onstage Lyn      changed her mind about doing it.  production value of his illusions is                    Greater Boston Food Bank. This    people believe in me during my
            together. I wanted each illusion to  She said, “I don’t want to float”  second to none. I also enjoy                        allowed us to help even more      career and I am very blessed to
                                                                                                                                                                          be living my dream. I truly
            keep topping the previous one and  and jumped off the illusion and  watching a great comedy magician                        people. I had taken my touring    believe this mission happened
            build up to the spectacular grand  went back to her seat!           like Mac King to see how the magic                      truck off the road to save money
            finale without taking too much of                                   is intertwined with his comedy.                         but now with having access to     for a reason and most likely
            a breath between. Then as I       You've no doubt experienced                                                               the enormous amount of food       saved my life.
            matured with the show, I felt more  many other magician's live                                                              we needed, I put my truck back    Your Vote Is Magic, is a           strategically combines my magic
            comfortable interjecting more of  shows. What are the building                                                              on the road and used it every     campaign designed and              with a PowerPoint that teaches
            the offstage, everyday Lyn into   blocks that make a great                                                                  week to pick up pallets of food.  performed by you to inspire        young people about the
            the show. I strive to draw the    magician? Who are your favorite                                                           With our team of twenty           future voters of grades five       importance of voting in their lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and what it took for us to have
            audience into my world without    magicians to see live and why?                                                            volunteers, we unloaded my        through twelve. How
            making them feel intimidated.     Ah, that’s just it…building blocks.                                                       truck, sorted the food and        wonderful! This must be very       this precious right. It’s essentially
            Early in the show, I try to       Like any artist, it takes years and                                                       packed up the bags. We started    rewarding and a great learning     a visual civics lesson that is
            humanize myself and I hope they   years to hone our craft and to be a                                                       a “Grab And Go” in the parking    experience for everyone            educational and inspirational.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             And with the next election
            sense my sincerity. I’ve          successful magician/illusionist                                                           lot of the church. People drove   involved. What sparked your
            personalized my magic a lot more  there is no “magic” formula. I                                                            through the line and the          involvement?                       coming up, I am starting to
            at this stage of my career to make  believe a big part of it is having                                                      volunteers loaded up their                                           present it more frequently and
            it relatable and it feels great. It’s  the perseverance to never give up                                                    trunks with food. Everyone        It was in 2007 that I had the      have even developed a simplified
                                                                                                                                                                                                             program for libraries and smaller
            become a lot more important to    and keep searching for a formula                                                          sitting in the line was struggling  brainstorm for Your Vote Is
            me in recent years to form a      that works. I think any true artist                                                       in some way. Needing food was     Magic. After losing my dad in      groups. I am so passionate about
            profound connection with my       constantly evolves through the                                                            a symptom of a much bigger        ’05, I kept thinking of how        using my magic in an empowering
            audience as much as wowing        journey of life. But I can tell you                                                       problem in their life. We created  excited he would have been        way and I know my dad would be
                                                                                                                                                                                                             so proud of Your Vote Is Magic.
            them. I also love making them     this, it’s a combination of being                                                         a culture of kindness and caring.   about the ’08 Presidential
            laugh along with being amazed!    skilled and being entertaining. You
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