Page 36 - SPIRE Digital Version JAN-APR 2024 8th Issue_Neat
P. 36

At 13 you played your first professional gig with your
        grandfather, pianist Bob Hayes, and famed trumpeter Lou
        Colombo with whom you performed with for 10 years. Can you
        tell us about your experience playing with legendary
        musicians? What’s the best piece of advice they gave you? Any
        memorable stories or performances you can share?
        The old-school musicians played with amazing passion for the
        music and weren't as concerned with technical ability - they
        only wanted to play good music. My granddad and Lou were
        both very loyal people - especially to me - and I have tried to
        carry that loyalty with my friends and the musicians I play with.
        The best piece of advice they gave me that we are entertainers
        and our main job is to entertain and play for the audience.
        Transitioning from a career in music to the banking industry
        must have been a huge undertaking. I know that you’ve also
        been involved with Culture and Art Advisory Committees
        while in the banking industry. Please fill us in on how you
        balance both of these passions and what impact your
        involvement has had on fostering cultural and artistic
        I've been fortunate to have been playing music for 20 years and
        work in banking for 13 years. Being involved in the community
        with these various endeavors has led to a lot of contacts and
        that tends to support the other occupation.
                                                               KAREEM SANJAGHI                THU, APR 04 | 7:30PM
        What do you enjoy most about leading your own group and
        freelancing as a drummer?                             Are there any drummers or musicians who have influenced
        I think my biggest strength as a band leader is I let the other  your style and approach to drumming?
        musicians play without giving them direction. I've never  Jazz drummer Jake Hanna and Green Day's drummer Tre Cool.
        corrected someone on or off the bandstand. We discuss the  Two musicians that play with a lot of energy and a relentless
        songs and what arrangements to play - I find the musicians like  pulse/drum beat that drove the bands they played in.
        working with me because I let them do their job and that allows
        them to play to the best of their ability without restrictions.   If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, from
                                                              any genre or era, who would it be and why? What kind of music
                                                              do you imagine creating together?
                                                               I heard a band recently a few times in Nashville - Kelley's
                                                              Heroes - playing with an incredible sense of rhythm and
                                                              excitement and that is a band I'd love to collaborate with. I enjoy
                                                              playing all the musicians I play with, especially Ann Austin and
                                                              Fred Boyle who will be joining me at this concert.

                                                               FOLLOW KAREEM SANJAGHI

                                       Kareem with Lou Colombo;
                                           photo by Ed Maroney.
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