Page 38 - Phil 21-22 PROGRAM BOOK MOTH digital_Neat
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Playing side-by-side:


        By Elijah Langille, South Shore Conservatory
        Youth Orchestra Program Director & Principal
        Last spring, when South Shore Conserva-  practicing  and performing together  in per-
        tory’s SSC Youth Orchestra (SSCYO) con-  son, and our past two concerts have done
        ductors put our heads together to create  well in building anticipation for our perfor-
        the 2022/2023 calendar, we knew there was  mance with the Plymouth Philharmonic Or-
        a  good chance  that some of  our  planned  chestra.”
        in-person performances may not take place.     “With the autumn tones of our concert last
        After all, vaccinations for those under 18 did   fall, to the spectacular collaborative perfor-
        not even exist last spring, and didn’t roll out   mance with the dance department and the
        until September 2021.  But things have gone   Americana themes that followed through-
        very well for our young musicians so far this   out, it has, sincerely, been a very exciting
        season. We’ve been really careful during   time to again perform in person. It is for this
        rehearsals, playing spaced apart, and when   reason that I remain tremendously enthu-
        possible, masked.  We have not canceled   siastic to play alongside a professional or-
        any concerts.  In the fall we concertized at   chestra such as the Plymouth Philharmon-
        Laura’s Center for the Arts in Hanover, and   ic, as the year has remained a continuous
        our Winter Concert, a collaboration be-  build-up of momentum that I am sure will be
        tween orchestra and ballet, was at Scituate   evident during our performance.”
        Performing Arts Center.  It’s been a memora-
        ble season thus far!                 These students have worked very hard to
                                             get themselves to a level where they are
        Next on our performance calendar is the   comfortable performing under the baton of
        bi-annual  side-by-side  concert  with  the   Conductor  Steven  Karidoyanes,  who  also
        Plymouth  Philharmonic  Orchestra  on  April   serves as SSCYO’s Artistic Advisor.  They’re
        30.  Before we went on quarantine in 2020,   prepared and ready to take center stage.
        our Symphony ensemble students had been   This  is  an  experience  they’ll  never  forget,
        eagerly rehearsing for that year’s side-by-  playing right in the middle of a renowned
        side, and they just missed the opportunity to   orchestra with seasoned musicians and an
        perform by a couple of weeks.  I felt terri-  accomplished,  charismatic  conductor.    I’m
        ble that our 2020 seniors graduated without   excited for them all.
        experiencing the thrill of performing with
        a professional orchestra.  For many musi-  South Shore Conservatory’s SSC Youth Or-
        cians, this is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.   chestra performs with the Plymouth Phil-
        I recently asked SSCYO students how they   harmonic on Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 pm.
                                             Tickets may be purchased at plymouthphil.
        felt about this season, being back together   org.  SSCYO’s final concert of the season is
        in person, and being able to take the stage   Wednesday, May 4, 7 pm in the Jane Carr
        with their peers and with professional mu-  Amphitheater at One Conservatory Drive.
        sicians  once  again.    Violinist  Matteo  Silva   Learn  more  about  SSC  Youth  Orchestra  at
        shared the following, “It has truly been a or find South Shore Conserva-
        wonderful  opportunity to  finally return  to   tory on Facebook or Instagram.

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