Page 44 - Phil 21-22 PROGRAM BOOK MOTH digital_Neat
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Don't miss the Phil's 21st Annual
Golf Tournament!
Monday, June 20, 2022
Southers Marsh Golf Club
1 PM Shotgun Start
Enjoy fun, fellowship, and golf - while raising
funds for our community outreach programs.
Includes lunch, prizes, and a 19th hole
Tickets on sale now at!
Sponsorship opportunities available starting at just $150.
Contact Kara McEachern at (508) 746-8008.
*Health & Safety Protocol
*Health & Safety Protocol Reminder*
The current covid policy is in effect as of January 7,
2022. The protocols are being reviewed constantly
The current covid policy is
and when there is a change in the policy or a time
in effect as of January 7,
when these protocols are no longer necessary, it will
2022. The protocols are
be posted here and ticket holders will receive
being reviewed daily and
PLEASE NOTE: The following is required of all patrons
when there is a change in
entering the hall. If you do not have these you will not
the policy or a time when
be allowed to enter the facility.
these protocols are no longer
Masks are required and must be worn properly at all
necessary, it will be posted on
times for everyone regardless of vaccination status.
Masks will be available for anyone who does not have
our website and ticket holders
will receive email notification.
Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test
within 72 hours or a negative Antigen test within 24
hours prior to entering the concert hall.
PAGE 42 Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra