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Goodbye, Jennifer
Library Director Jennifer Harris moves on after 27.5 years…
but who’s counting?
As Jennifer tells it, it was love at first sight--starting with the parking lot. A place
for 100 vehicles was simply unheard of at the time! Her Library romance continued
for more than 27 years and took her right up to retirement. Jennifer started as the
Circulation Department Librarian in 1993, went on to become Assistant Library
Director and ultimately took the top spot as Library Director. Oh, the people she
met, the programs she hosted and the things she accomplished!
One of Jennifer’s very first assignments was to establish a series of Adult Programs.
There were two requirements: they had to be free and they had to encompass
a wide range of interests. With little direction and a lot of encouragement from
Reference Librarian Lee Regan, Jennifer dug in. Programming would quickly
become one of the favorite parts of her job. Over time, she took the program
from its humble beginnings by adding book signings with authors, poetry readings
(including the poet laureate at the time, Robert Pinsky), book clubs for varied
interests and musical offerings--from classical and opera to jazz and the blues. The
program’s fan base also grew to include children, teens, seniors, hearing impaired
patrons—even avid knitters and chess enthusiasts!
Jennifer was also an instrumental part of the team that helped secure a permanent
building for the Manomet Branch Library 17 years ago.
With Jennifer at the helm, the Library continued
to enhance it services and make improvements.
Next up, she led a significant renovation of the
Circulation Department and realigned Library
lending materials to carve out three Literacy
Classrooms and create a space dedicated to our
Tweens and Teens. She also helped secure $3.2
million in funding from the Town of Plymouth
for a major renovation which included a new
rubber roof, skylights, air handling units and a
climate control system for the Plymouth
Collection Room.
4 Plymouth Public Library Foundation