Page 12 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 12

                                                                                                                                        describing. In our production, we kept it set   stage. Very rarely is a word written in
                                          strengths and weaknesses and we do our  auditions in NYC, and/or auditions via video                                                                                   From left to right David Friday, Erin Friday, and Jesse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sullivan in Clue
                                         best to compliment each other. Luckily, our  submission.                                       in the prison and used props and costumes to  a script that has no relevance to the  Photo by Denise Maccaferri
         “My favorite                    weaknesses are the other one’s strengths.   “The Robber Bridegroom” features ATC core          create the scene. Audience members then  story, so taking a deep dive into the
                                                                                                                                        used their imaginations to go to the locations
                                                                                                                                                                              script is always a must.
         show at ATC                     The Americana Theatre Company brings in  company members Derek Martin as Jamie                 that are supposed to be represented.
         has been Man                    professional actors for each production.  Lockhart/Guitar, Jesse Sullivan as Clement                                                 Although The Robber Bridegroom
                                                                               Musgrove, Erin Friday as Salome and David
                                         How do you obtain your actors? Do you                                                          What is your dream role? Who would you  runs only during July, Studio
         of La Mancha.                   work with a returning group of players?  Friday as Little Harp.                                love to play and why?                 Americana runs theater classes all
                                                                               Guest company members include Kelly Ann                  Erin: I’ve already played my dream role in  year long. How does teaching acting
         I thought the                   We have our core company members who  Dunn as Rosamund, Jesse Winton as                                                              to your students compare with your
                                         we try to cast in every show. They also are  Goat/Guitar, Payton Gobeille as Ensemble          college. I was the Baker’s Wife in Into the  own process?
         talent was                      designers for the show. We have our guest  and Sarah Troxler as Music Director/Piano.          Woods, but I would love to reprise that role.  Everyone needs to find their own
                                                                                                                                        The Baker’s Wife is so flawed but has too
         amazing, the                    company members. Guest company        Guest artists include Spencer Gayden as Big              much pride and tries to hide her flaws. She  process, but by teaching them our
                                         members are members that have done 3+
         concept was                     shows with us. They are extremely  talented  Harp/Percussion, Angelica Vendetti as First       rationalizes irrational behavior. However,  processes, it gives them insight and
                                         individuals who have the company’s best  Fiddle, Rachel Wambeke as Goat’s                      she is nurturing and kind. She is so relatable  another tool towards discovering
         brilliant, & the                interest at heart. We try to get our loyal  Mother/Second Fiddle/Ensemble, Emma                and funny.                            what works best for them. We lay the
                                         company members cast in our shows as well.  Harlow as Raven, Matthew Girard as                 David: I’d give my right arm to play Sweeney  foundation as far as script analysis,  “Our cast not
         execution was                   We have interns that we offer roles to from  Ensemble/Bass, Bob Sullivan as Banjo, and         Todd. Stephen Sondheim is one of my   character development, and
         outstanding!”                   Stonehill College (Easton, MA), Regent  Connor Northcutt as Ensemble..                         favorites. The depth of the material has                                 only performs
                                         University (Virginia Beach, VA), and William                                                   always appealed to me and it certainly suits
                                         Jessup University (Rocklin, CA). If we still                                                   my vocal range.                                                          their roles,
                                         need roles filled after going through those  Who’s the guiding force and director for this
                                         means, we hold local auditions,       show and why were they chosen?                           Besides this one, what’s your favorite stage                             but actually
                                                                               Our director is Michael Kirkland (Ph.D.                  show you’ve done and why?
                                                   From left to right Erin Friday, Brian  Professor: Acting/Directing & Stage Combat                                                                             play all the
                                                    William Kenerson, & David Friday                                                    Erin: My favorite show at ATC has been Man
                                                      on the set of Man of La Mancha  (SAFD), Regent University). He also directed      of La Mancha. I thought the talent was                                   instruments
                                                                               our production of Man of La Mancha and                   amazing, the concept was brilliant, and the
                                                                               others, so we have a great understanding of              execution was outstanding!                                               of a live
                                                                               how he works and vice versa. The Robber
                                                                               Bridegroom happens to be one of Michael’s                David: I’d have to agree. Having a lot of the                            bluegrass
                                                                               favorite shows, so he has a strong vision and            same tone as Sweeney Todd and being a
                                                                               passion for how this show will lay out, which            wonderfully written piece of material along                              band as well”
                                                                               is essential when you are trying to put a show           with the emotional impact of the story made
                                                                               up in the short time frame that we have.                 the experience of performing it uplifting and                            Erin Friday in Boeing, Boeing
                                                                                                                                        fulfilling.                                                              Photo by Denise Maccaferri
                                                                               What’s challenging about bringing this
                                                                               script to life?                                          You both have professional acting credits.
                                                                               Our cast not only performs their roles, but              How will you be preparing for your roles?
                                                                               actually play all the instruments of a live              Erin: As with any musical I've been involved  David Friday in The Hound of the Baskervilles
                                                                                                                                                                                           Photo by Denise Maccaferri
                                                                               bluegrass band as well – including piano,                with, I start by becoming familiar with the
                                                                               guitars, fiddles, banjo, bass and percussion.            music. I play the soundtrack in my car   production value/execution and
                                                                               The Robber Bridegroom represents the true                everywhere I go. I also try to be close to  allow them to explore. Unfortunately
                                                                               landscape of Americana on stage, captivating             memorized before the first rehearsal so that  our 8 week classes aren't long enough
                                                                               theatre lovers and music aficionados of the              I already have a good idea of who my  to give all students the individual
                                                                               folk, country and bluegrass genres alike!                character is- that way there will be more of a  attention that we’d like to, which is
                                                                                                                                        character collaboration between the way I  why we run classes throughout the
                                                                               How do you go about achieving your set                   see the character and the way the director  year. Ultimately, the opportunity to
                                                                               design and how much time is needed to put                envisioned it.                        perform teaches them life skills that
                                                                               a set together?                                                                                they will carry with them and that will
                                                                                                                                        David: As with any show, it starts with the   benefit them no matter what they do
                                                                               We try to keep a minimalistic set approach.              understanding of the story and the world  in the future.
                                                                               We choose shows that have a single set or                that it’s in. I admittedly don’t know much
                                                                               shows that can utilize audience imagination              bluegrass music, so I'm spending time
                                                                               to create the spaces that are intended for the           listening to some. I’m trying to immerse
                                                                               show. For example, we performed Man of La                myself in that world. From there, I need to
                                                                               Mancha in 2018, which is set in a prison.                understand where my character fits into the
                                                                               Typically, while one of the prisoners is telling         story, figuring out not only what he’s doing
                                                                               the story of Don Quixote, the stage turns                on stage, but at times what he’s doing off
                                                                               into the location of what the character is
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