Page 16 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 16

AUGUST   2022

                                  EASTERN BANK LOBBY JAZZ SERIES: Tish Adams & Evening Sky                                                FOREVER YOUNG – A TRIBUTE TO NEIL YOUNG
                                  WED, AUG 03    7:30PM                                                                                  SAT, AUG 06    7:30PM
                                  $15                                                                                                    $33
                         This concert blends the soulful vocal stylings of Rhode Island’s                                          Now in their fourteenth year, the Forever Young band is a
                         Tish Adams with Evening Sky’s eclectic sounds.                                                            group of performers that pay tribute to the SONGS of Neil
                                                                                                                                   Young. No one in the band tries to imitate Neil Young. There
                         Jazz vocalist Tish Adams is a well-known stage personality, music                                         are five vocalists in the band and the songs are fronted by                                      AUGUST   2022
                         educator, and concert producer. She is a very popular performer                                           different members with added backing harmonies. All of the
                         throughout the Northeast U.S. Her weekly jazz radio program                                               musicians performing in Forever Young are staples of the
                         "The Vocalists & Localists Show" (90.3 FM WRIU) has been on the                                           Rhode Island music scene and veterans of many national and
                         air for 25 years and counting.                                                                            regional tours. In addition, they are all fans and have been
                         Evening Sky is a jazz/roots/Americana quartet. Their rhythmic,                                            influenced by the music of Neil Young. Four of the members
                         smooth, and playful approach forms a unique and spirited sound                                            are performing singer songwriters who have their own
                         that equally showcases Chris Brooks on pedal steel guitar, Joe                                            projects on the side. Drawing on the 40+ year career of Neil
                         Potenza on bass, Gino Rosati on guitars, and Eric Hastings on                                             Young the show highlights many of Young’s popular songs and
                         drums.                                                                                                    a few “deep cuts”. The band performs both the acoustic and
                                                                                                                                   electric songs that Neil Young is famous for. Their
                                                                                                                                   performances are reminiscent of and are heavily influenced by
                                                                                                                                   the “Four Way Street” live album recorded by Crosby, Stills,
                                                          SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: CARLIN TRIPP & FRIENDS                               Nash, and Young. They are a high energy band that is just as
                                                                                                                                   fun to watch as to listen to. Audiences are always “wowed” by
                                                                                   THU,   AUG 04    7:30PM                         a Forever Young show!
                                                                           Live stream tickets $10, available at SPIRECENTER.ORG   $15
                                                                Carlin Tripp began his musical journey in the early 2000’s with a                                         SPIRE LOBBY SERIES: MATT BORRELLO
                                                             borrowed acoustic guitar and a dream of becoming a songwriter and
                                                           performer. After a brief stint with a local band, Tripp hit the road with                                                      THU,   AUG 11    7:30PM
                                                           his guitar for the Southwest and began that journey, releasing his first                                               Live stream tickets $10, available at SPIRECENTER.ORG   $15
                                                                solo work, The Belfry EP, in 2010. He has continued to write and                                    Matt Borrello is a traveling singer and guitar player with a repertoire of
                                                                                                     record ever since.
                                                                                                                                                                    traditional folk, classic rock, and contemporary original songs. Born and
                                                           In 2018, released The Shape of the Island, produced by his good friend                                 raised in the small town of Dighton, MA, Matt started playing guitar at 14.
                                                             and collaborator Jay Psaros, to critical acclaim. The album garnered                                     Within a year he was writing and gigging regularly in the greater New
                                                                   the attention of Reid Genauer who invited Tripp to open for                                     England area, usually as a solo acoustic act. Matt’s insightful songwriting
                                                                 Strangefolk at the Paradise Rock Club. He is currently working                                    often blends political and personal themes. His passionate performances
                                                             remotely with producer Mickelson in California on new music to be                                    have earned him recognition in various New England talent showcases and
                                                                                                      released in 2022.                                               songwriting contests, most notably at the Boston Folk Festival Youth
                                                                                                                                                                       Songwriting Contest. He has also traveled to perform at prestigious
                                                                                                                                                                      venues in the Mid-Atlantic and the Carolinas. Matt performs his own
                                                                                                                                                                    songs and also offers energetic interpretations of classic folk, rock, and
                                                                                                                                        blues from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. He has a not-so-secret fondness for Bob Dylan songs, and performs in a
                                                                                                                                              handful of annual Bob Dylan Tribute Shows. Matt is also a guitarist-for-hire and loves spontaneous
                                 JP SOARS GYPSY BLUE FT. ANNE HARRIS                                                                collaborations with other musicians. He has always appeared comfortable on coffeehouse stages, and is equally
                                                                                                                                                                   at home playing a rowdy bar, intimate house concert, or outdoor festival.
                                 FRI, AUG 05    7:30PM
                                 $25                                                                                                      Matt Borrello’s debut album, “Don’t Turn Around”, was recorded at Dirt Floor Studios and released in 2010.
                                                                                                                                    Since then he has released live and studio EPs, gaining some airplay in the Northeast and elsewhere. His second
               &                                                                            album of original music “A Dollar & A Kiss” was recorded at Fox Run Studio in Sudbury, MA and released in
                                                                                                                                            2015. His newest collection of songs, with the working title “Lonesome Valley”, has been recorded at
                        “Soars is not an empty suit of technique. He is instead a studied                                                                             Wachusett Recording in Princeton, MA and is due out later this year.
                        practitioner of the guitar arts”   - C. Michael Bailey "All About
                        "...By opening herself up to other realms, a more apt description
                        may be a cosmic consciousness that exhibits a spiritual, humanist
                        philosophy."  - No Depression on Anne Harris                                                               

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