Page 19 - SPIRE JulySep 2022 3rd Issue DIGITAL_Neat
P. 19


           When can we expect your third studio album Lonesome Valley
           to drop and what was the driving force behind this album
           Lonesome Valley will be released in August 2022, with the
           Thursday the 11th Spire show being the release concert for
           the album. The recording and mixing was mostly finished in
           2019, but I just haven’t made the final push to get it released
           for a variety of reasons. The driving force behind the album
           was doing a rough and live sounding acoustic album. I was also
           determined to get some songs out there that hadn’t made it on
           to my other two albums. Some of these tunes go back to 2006.
           I had read a book called Simple Twist of Fate about the
           recording of Blood on the Tracks (Dylan album from ’74). I
           wanted to record in that quick and spontaneous way with a
           group that were used to playing together. Soon after that I
           heard a bluegrass/Americana band called Grain Thief at a
           show. I played with them at the British Beer Company in
           Plymouth. They had great chemistry and had the rowdy yet
           controlled sound I was looking for. Other recordings I had
           done were built from the ground up with scratch tracks and  MATTBORRELLOMUSIC.COM    THU, AUG 11 | 7:30PM
           overdubs, which can be great, but this time I didn’t want any of  What song on your impending album resonates the most with
           that. There ended up being some overdubs but very few. We  you?
           didn’t do more than 4 takes of anything and didn’t even wear  I would have to say “Trailblazers” because some of the lines just
           headphones for the first session.
                                                                 came out without much thinking. I didn’t filter myself and ended
                                                                 up with a song that relates to my life. I had some help on one line
                                                                 in particular, but I’ll explain that at the show!
                                                                 Is there a particular place where you feel most creative?
                                                                 Either driving a car or walking in the woods, but also when riding
                                                                 a bus or a train.

                                                                 What is your favorite song to perform live and why?
                                                                 In terms of my own songs, probably “Glimpse of God.” It lets me
                                                                 poke fun at our modern society while also hitting my guitar
                                                                 strings pretty hard. Favorite cover song to perform would
                                                                 probably be “Hard Rain” by Bob Dylan.

                                                                 What do you want to tell our readers who haven’t seen you
                                                                 perform live before?
                                                                 I’d like to tell them that my shows can range from very quiet and
                                                                 folky to very loud and rockish, but I ’ve been doing a better job
                                                                 lately of finding an agreeable middle ground.
                                                                 I’m also fronting a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers tribute act
                                                                 called Won’t Back Down that plays all around New England.
                                                                 I’ll be back in the studio to record a heavier blues/rock
                                                                 influenced album sometime this fall with my trusty old bar band
                                                                 the Quality Dogs.

                                                                                   T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E     |       1 7
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