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As for the continuing evolution of her music,          It’s well known that your first public
              successful releases on Telarc (including 2012’s    major feature stories in hundreds of                                   Copeland is very clear. “Once my son was born,”        performance was at the Cotton club when you
              Grammy-nominated 33 1/3), Copeland returned        magazines, newspapers and internet                                     she says, “I became even more committed to             were about 10. What do you remember about
              to Alligator Records in 2015 with the Grammy-      publications. She’s sung with Bonnie Raitt,                            making the world a better place. On America’s          playing at that historic venue?
              nominated, Blues Music Award-winning               Keith Richards, Carlos Santana, Dr. John,                              Child, Uncivil War and now Done Come Too Far,          Being scared stiff before it started. And being
              Outskirts Of Love, melding blues with more         James Cotton and many others, and has                                  I’ve been trying to put the ‘United’ back into         relieved when it went well. I have to admit the
              rootsy,  Americana sounds.                         shared a bill with The Rolling Stones. She                             United States. Friends, family and home, these         audience was stacked in my favor with loads of
              With 2018’s America’s Child, Copeland, now the     entertained U.S. troops in Iraq and Kuwait in                          things we all value.”                                  my parents’ friends from the neighborhood. So
              mother of a baby boy, sang about the blessings     2008, a trip she says, “that opened my eyes to                         With Done Come Too Far, Copeland hits harder           after we had a big party.
              and curses of the world around her. MOJO           the larger world around me and my place in it.”                        than ever with musically and lyrically                 What was it like touring the Blues Circut with
              magazine named America’s Child the #1 blues        In 2012, she performed with B.B. King, Mick                            adventurous songs and jaw-dropping                     your father, Johnny Copeland, as a kid?
              release of 2018. It won both the Blues Music       Jagger, Buddy Guy, Trombone Shorty, Gary                               performances that are at once timely and               Wonderful and sad. Being with him was always
              Award and the Living Blues Award for Album Of      Clark, Jr. and others at the White House for                           timeless. The Chicago Tribune’s famed jazz critic      special and I learned so much from him. It was
              The Year.  All Music said, “Witty and              President and Mrs. Obama. She has                                      Howard Reich said, “Shemekia Copeland is the           also sad because his health was deteriorating.
              sincere...Shemekia Copeland is one of the best     showcased on PBS’s Austin City Limits and                              greatest female blues vocalist working today.
              singers in contemporary blues, not just for her    was the subject of a six-minute feature on the                         She pushes the genre forward, confronting              Would you rather be able to copy and paste in
              voice but for her courage to use it to say         PBS News Hour.                                                         racism, hate, xenophobia and other perils of our       real life or undo in real life? What would
              something about American culture...showing         Copeland was the subject of a recent                                   time. Regardless of subject matter, though,            influence this decision?
              good times and a social conscience can co-exist.”  Washington Post Sunday magazine story and                              there’s no mistaking the majesty of Copeland’s         Overall I’m pretty happy and grateful for the
              In addition to earning a Grammy Award              appeared on both NPR’s Weekend Edition and                             instrument, nor the ferocity of her delivery.          way my life has gone. So I think I would just
                                                                                                                                                                                               copy and paste. Also undoing and redoing just
              nomination (her fourth), Copeland’s                Here And Now.  And NPR’s Jazz Night In                                 Copeland reaffirms the relevance of the blues.”        sounds like too much work.
              groundbreaking 2020 release Uncivil War was        America recently aired an hour-long program
              named the 2020 Blues Album Of The Year by          featuring Copeland. In April 2022, she                                                                                        Besides being a mom, what do you do when you
              DownBeat, MOJO and Living Blues magazines.         performed at the United Nations General                                                                                       are not touring? Hobbies outside of music?
              The album, like its predecessor, looked at the     Assembly Hall to a worldwide audience of                                                                                      When I’m not being a mom, I’m still busy being
              hardships and happiness people encounter,          millions as part of International Jazz Day                                                                                    a mom. Nothing takes priority over that.
              seeking common ground, demanding change            celebrations. Copeland continues to host her                                                                                  Luckily I really enjoy it. I have a lot of fun. Only
              and still finding ways to have a good time.        own popular daily blues radio show on Sirius                                                                                  other hobby I have is I’m a bit of a foodie who
              “Shemekia Copeland is a powerhouse,” said          XM’s Bluesville.                                                                                                              loves to cook.
              Rolling Stone. “She can do no wrong.”
                                                                                          FRI-MON  9 AM

              Copeland has performed thousands of gigs at                                   TUE   10 AM                                                                                  LISTEN TO SHEMEKIA'S MUSIC  ON YOUR

              clubs, festivals and concert halls all over the                              WED     9 AM

                                                                                           THU    10 AM                                                                                  FAVORITE STREAMING CHANNEL
               world, and has appeared in films, on national
              television, NPR, and has been the subject of        B.B. King's Bluesville with Shemekia Copeland
                                                                  Grammy Award-nominated music legend Shemekia
                                                                  Copeland is your host for new and old Blues in BB King's
                                               Photo credit:      Bluesville. Nothing but authentic Blues.
                                               © Victoria Smith
                                                                 But it’s not just press and radio singing
                                                                 Copeland’s praises. She is beloved by her
                                                                 fellow musicians across genres and
                                                                 demographics. Jeff Beck called her “amazing.”
                                                                 Carlos Santana said, “She’s incandescent...a
                                                                 diamond.” Bonnie Raitt told BBC radio,
                                                                 “Shemekia always knocks me out.” The late                                                                               FOLLOW SHEMEKIA ON SOCIAL MEDIA!
                                                                 John Prine said, “She doesn’t sound like
                                                                 anybody else.” Mary Gauthier declared,
                                                                 “Shemekia is one of the great singers of our
                                                                  time. Her voice is nothing short of magic.”
                                                                                                                                 Photo credit:
                                                                                                                                 © Victoria Smith
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