Page 26 - SPIRE_JAN_APR_2023_5th_Issue_DIGITAL_Neat
P. 26


                                                                                                                                            LENNY CLARKE
                                  TD BANK LOBBY SERIES:
                                  HONEST MECHANIK                                                                                           FRI, MAR 24  I 8PM
                                  THU, MAR 16   I   7:30PM
                                  $15                                                                                              Lenny Clarke is an American comedian and actor, famous for
                                                                                                                                   his thick Boston accent. During the 1970s, as related in the
                         Honest Mechanik, an indie-pop duo born in the wilds of                                                    Comedy Central roast of Clarke’s friend Denis Leary, Clarke
                         Medford, MA comprised of Susan Cattaneo and Paul Hansen.                                                  ran for mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. When asked by                                          WINTER 2023
                         Featuring quirky lyrics and ear-worm melodies, Honest                                                     Leary what his platform was, Clarke replied “F**k the
                         Mechanik has the vibe of The Velvet Underground paired with                                               Kennedys”. Clarke had buttons and bumper stickers made with
                         the intimacy of Belle and Sebastian.                                                                      this slogan on them. In an attempt to spark interest in his
                                                                                                                                   campaign, Clarke stole a Boston bus and began driving it
                                                                                                                                   around until he realized it was just him driving a bus. Clarke
                                                                                                                                   then began to pick up random people and drop them at their
                                                                             ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY
                                                                                  FRI,   MAR 17  I  8PM
                                                                                                     $42                                                                MASTER ILLUSIONIST LYN DILLIES

                                                                For over three decades the band have been at the forefront of                                                               SAT,  MAR 25  I  8PM
                                                                contemporary jazz, even if the band’s signature eclectic mix of                                                                                $35
                                                              styles has meant they have never comfortably fit snugly into any
                                                               one genre; “We’ve had a lot of labels over the years, at the start
                                                                     there were all these names flying around like New Adult
                                                              Contemporary, New Age music, and then it became Smooth Jazz,                                                                    AMAZING, DYNAMIC, SPECTACULAR…
                                                                but we’ve never really thought about ourselves as being in any                                                     …she had the sold-out crowd applauding her every move…
                                                              one particular genre. We just make music we like.” Says Greg, “At
                                                              the core it’s always been about one simple concept: the sound of                                                                                  Salt Lake Tribune:
                                                             the nylon and steel guitars working together, but that leaves a lot                                           "The most highly acclaimed female illusionist in America, Lyn Dillies
                                                                           of scope for exploring all sorts of musical ideas.”                                              delivers a dazzling display of spectacular magic for audiences of all
                                                                                                                                                                                 ages. From the grandeur of New York City’s Lincoln Center to
                                                                                                                                                                          Hollywood’s Magic Castle, rave reviews accompany her unique brand
                                                                                                                                                                            of mystery, comedy and audience participation. Dillies amazes and
                                 LIVINGSTON TAYLOR                                                                                                                         astounds with some of the most masterful, mind-blowing illusions in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     magic today."
                                 SAT, MAR 18   I   8PM
                         Livingston Taylor’s career as a professional musician has                                                                                               MASTER ILLUSIONIST LYN DILLIES
                         spanned over 50 years, encompassing performance,
                                                                                                                                                                                 JUNIOR SHOW**
                         songwriting, and teaching. Described as “equal parts Mark                                                                                                JUNIOR SHOW**
                         Twain, college professor, and musical icon, Livingston                                                                                                  SUN, MAR 26  I 2PM
                         maintains a performance schedule of more than a hundred                                                                                                 $25
                         shows a year, delighting audiences with his charm and vast
                         repertoire of his 22 albums and popular classics. Livingston                                                                                    A Parent’s Choice Award Winner, Master Illusionist, Lyn Dillies
                         has written top-40 hits recorded by his brother James                                                                                           brings the world of magic to our town. Lyn has been deemed
                                                                                                                                                                         America’s Premier Female Illusionist by the Society of American
                         Taylor and has appeared with Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt,                                                                                     Magicians, and is a pioneer in her field. With her stunning array of
                         Fleetwood Mac, and Jimmy Buffet.                                                                                                                astounding illusions, Lyn’s talent ignites each show with energy
                         He is equally at home with a range of musical genres – folk,                                                                                    and excitement. Children of all ages will be mesmerized and
                         pop, gospel, jazz – and from upbeat storytelling and                                                                                            enchanted by the spectacular magic of Lyn Dillies.  It’s guaranteed
                                                                                                                                                                         to have them sitting on the edge of their seats.
                         touching ballads to full orchestra performances. In addition
                         to his performance schedule, Livingston has been a full                                                                                         Lyn’s mission remains the same; to inspire and empower young
                         professor at Berklee College of Music for 30 years, passing                                                                                     people to believe in the magic
                                                                                                                                                                         within themselves and to realize that with enough dedication and
                         on the extensive knowledge gained from his long career on                                                                                       hard work, anything is possible.
                         the road to the next generation of musicians. Liv is an
                         airplane-flying, motorcycle-riding, singing storyteller,
                         delighting audiences with his charm for over 50 years.

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