Page 28 - SPIRE_JAN_APR_2023_5th_Issue_DIGITAL_Neat
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                                                                                                                                            EASTERN BANK LOBBY JAZZ SERIES:
                                   ALDOUS COLLINS
                                  THU, MAR 30   I   7:30PM                                                                                  JOHN ALLMARK JAZZ QUINTET
                                  $25                                                                                                       WED, APR 05  I 7:30PM
                         Chris Ballerini opens. Featuring Brian Hitchings, Aldous
                         Collins comes back to the Spire to hit the main stage!  Aldous                                            John Allmark brings his renowned quintet to the Spire Center for
                         is the high energy frontman for the award-winning Aldous                                                  the first time! The band features some of the top jazz artists based                              WINTER 2023
                         Collins Band but he also loves connecting with listeners                                                  in the Northeast!
                         through intimate acoustic shows.  A few of his inspirations:                                              John Allmark – trumpet/flugelhorn
                          Beck, The Lumineers, Michael Kiwanuka, The National, Milky                                               Dino Govoni – tenor
                         Chance, The Bahamas, Eddie Vedder and more…                                                               Dennis Hughes – keyboard
                                                                                                                                   Evan Carley – bass
                                                                                                                                   Vinny Pagano – drums

                                                                THE BREAKERS: A TRIBUTE TO                                                                                        TOMMY CASTRO AND THE
                                                                                         TOM PETTY                                                                                                   PAINKILLERS
                                                                                    SAT,   APR 1  I  8PM                                                                                          THU, APR 06 I 8PM
                                                                                             SOLD OUT                                                                                                              $36
                                                                The country’s premier Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers tribute                                                “The hardest thing to do,” says internationally beloved soul-blues
                                                                  band. Established to let the fans of the late great Tom Petty                                          rocker Tommy Castro, “is be yourself, take some chances and bring
                                                              continue to enjoy the live experience of TP & the HB’s. No other                                           your fans along with you.” Throughout his long, constantly evolving
                                                             Tom Petty tribute band comes close to capturing the SOUND and                                                career, guitarist, singer and songwriter Tommy Castro has always
                                                                           emotions of Tom’s songs quite like the Breakers.                                              remained true to himself while exploring, growing and creating new
                                                                                                                                                                           music, and he has taken his thousands of devoted fans right along
                                                                                                                                                                           with him. Since his solo debut in 1994, he’s made 16 albums— the
                                                                                                                                                                         last seven for Alligator—each its own unique chapter in the book of
                                                                                                                                                                          Tommy Castro. Ranging from horn-fueled R&B to piping hot blues
                                 CELTIC ANGELS IRELAND                                                                                                                      to fiery, stripped- down rock ‘n’ roll, each release is solidly built
                                                                                                                                                                            upon Castro’s unshakable musical foundation—a dynamic mix of
                                 SUN, APR 2   I   3PM  & 7PM                                                                                                              1960s-influenced guitar-fueled blues, testifying Memphis-soaked
                                 $42                                                                                                                                        blue-eyed soul and Latin-tinged East San Jose funk, all driven by
                         Escape to Verdant Valleys and Heathery Highlands! Step                                                                                          Castro’s grab-you-by- the-collar vocals and passionate guitar work.
                         back in time to the Land of Saints and Scholars. Lose                                                                                                    Blues Revue declared, “Tommy Castro can do no wrong.”
                         yourself in the alluring Angels’ magical melodies Feel your
                         heart pound to raucous rhythms of the champion Celtic
                         Knights Dancers. Immerse yourself in Ireland’s infectious                                                         HARPER AND MIDWEST KIND
                         influences across the Wild Blue Ocean to the Amber Waves
                         of Grain and Beyond!                                                                                              SAT,  APR 08  I  8PM
                         Headed by the powerhouse creative team direct from                                                                $28
                         Ireland and featuring award winning Irish and World                                                       Award winning Australian singer/ songwriter/ virtuoso
                         Champion Singers, Dancers and Musicians. Celtic Angels                                                    harmonica player “Peter D. Harper”, now based in Detroit,
                         Ireland is a theatrical feast for all ages.                                                               Michigan, USA creates a heady mix of roots music through his
                         Written, Directed and Choreographed by Louise Barry                                                       creative use of the harmonica, and the haunting drone of the
                         (Dublin, Ireland. The Diddley Idols / National Theatre)                                                   didgeridoo.  Known in the music world as “Harper”, his latest
                         Musical Arrangements by Peter Sheridan (Co.Cavan,                                                         release “RISE UP” (Access Records), features 10 original tunes
                         Ireland. Celtic Thunder) and Irish Step Dance Director,                                                   that reach deep within.  “RISE UP”, which had its debut at #3 on
                         Sarah Costello (Belfast, Ireland. Rhythm of the Dance /                                                   the Billboard Blues Charts,  profoundly expresses Harper’s
                         ADCRG).                                                                                                   creative use of the harp and the haunting drone of the
                                                                                                                                   didgeridoo with underlying meaningful lyrics, which reflect the
                         With over 30 Irish traditional and contemporary tunes                                                     divisive times, we currently live in.  Harper has received an
                         masterfully intertwined and performed fully live by the                                                   amazing 14 x  Blues/Roots Music awards (including a Gold
                         Trinity Ensemble, the Heavenly Celtic Angels and the                                                      Record) in the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada and
                         Dynamic Celtic Knights Dancers, the spectacular Celtic                                                    achieved 4 x Top Ten Billboard Blues Charting albums.
                         Angels Ireland is guaranteed to entertain and delight!

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