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For someone with the kind of background Albert Cummings
has, that kind of confidence about his new music says it all. Blues, Roots, R&B, Americana, Rock
This is a singer and guitarist who has played with many of the Winning awards and playing to sold-out shows across New
greatest players of the modern era, and received the kind of England and beyond, the Boston-based Delta Generators have WINTER 2023
awards and recognition that few others do. Raised in made quite a name for themselves since hitting the scene in
Massachusetts and self-taught on the banjo, it was a 1987 2008. Their music brings together their diverse musical
concert by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble that influences, drawing on the traditions of Blues, Roots, R&B,
opened Cummings to a new world of modern blues and Americana and Rock to create a sound uniquely their own.
inspired him to take up the guitar. It didn’t take long from The band is comprised of front man, Brian Templeton (formerly
there for him to find his way to the front of the pack. In fact, of the Radio Kings as well as collaborations with such notables
Albert Cummings’ very first album FROM THE HEART (2003) as Jerry Portnoy, James Cotton and Otis Grand Kings - on vox,
was produced by Double Trouble’s Chris Layton and Tommy harp and acoustic guitar) Brian also currently is the singer for
Shannon and included the group’s Reese Wynans on the blues all-star band, The Proven Ones with Kid Ramos, Willie
keyboards. That had not happened before Cummings’ release. J. Campbell and Jimi Bott. Brothers, Charlie O’Neal (guitar) and
Rick O’Neal (bass). Rick and Charlie got their first break in their
late teens to early twenties touring and recording for Ben Orr
TD BANK LOBBY SERIES: (formerly of The Cars). Rick also recorded and toured playing for
guitarist Johnny A. for many years. Charlie also played for the
WILL EVANS band Must (Wind-Up/BMG) who had a top 10 song in the
THU, APR 20 I 7:30PM Billboard Rock Charts, toured with such acts as Aerosmith,
$15 Stone Temple Pilots, INXS and performed at venues from the
Hollywood Bowl, MGM Grand Arena to the London
Hailing from the Atlantic coastline of Rhode Island, Will Evans has Hammersmith Apollo. Jeff Armstrong(drums) and Charlie
spent the last decade as the frontman for the New England-based O’Neal also currently plays for Anthony Geraci and the Boston
Roots Rock outfit Barefoot Truth. After four albums and 50+ Blues All-Stars. Together the Delta Generators have blended
million streams on Pandora & Spotify, he embarked on his solo the best of their best to bring their fans an unforgettable
journey—and has since released three additional full-length musical experience.
albums and traveled the U.S. & Europe several times over.
Showcasing his skills as a multi-instrumentalist, Evans displays
technical mastery of live-looping in his shows that include the
didgeridoo, steel drums, percussive beatboxing, acoustic guitar, HEY NINETEEN! :TRIBUTE TO
and layers of soulful vocals.
Steely Dan Tribute band Hey Nineteen is an eleven piece groove
SAT, APR 22 I 8PM machine which brings an enormous amount of performance energy
$32 and spot on Steely Dan music. Hey Nineteen is a group of
Working outside the confines of the traditional music industry, professional musicians with the theoretical knowledge and
Adam Ezra and his bandmates – Corinna Smith (fiddle), Alex musicality required to master the complex music of Steely Dan. Hey
Martin (drums), Poche Ponce (bass) – built a community of fans Nineteen packs venues throughout New England and are well known
through sheer grit and determination, regularly performing for their high energy show as well as their “spot on Steely Dan
hundreds of shows a year for the past two decades without any sound! Hey Nineteen will amaze you with their exacting solos (as
major label or mainstream radio support. Fusing folk intimacy and originally recorded), vocals, harmonies, and musicality, all while
rock energy with soul power and pop charm, the band first keeping you moving with their high energy show.
emerged from Boston in the early 2000s and quickly garnered
widespread acclaim for their bold, insightful songwriting and Hey Nineteen a Tribute to Steely Dan is comprised of top
interactive, euphoric performances. From hole in the wall bars professional musicians, many of whom have performed with
and house concerts to sold-out headline shows and dates with the Grammy- winning, international artists. Hey Nineteen brings the big
likes of Little Big Town, The Wallflowers, Gavin DeGraw, Train, hits and the deep cuts, from ‘Do It Again’ to ‘Your Gold Teeth II’,
and The Wailers, Ezra and his bandmates treated every single gig from ‘Reelin’ in the Years’ to “Doctor Wu” and “Peg” many more.
like their last, attracting a die-hard following that believed not Check out the gig section for a listing of all Hey Nineteen
just in the music, but in their commitment to activism and social performances.
change, as well.
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