Page 7 - wildlands 2024 spring Newsletter v2_Neat
P. 7

Full Steam

        Ahead at the


        Training Center

        After establishing the Stewardship Training Center (STC)
        in 2022, Wildlands Trust spent many months putting its
        bold idea to the test. An educational facility to build the
        state’s capacity to care for ever-growing conservation
        lands sounded useful in theory, but how would the
        stewardship community respond to this new resource?                 Stewardship Training Center, Plymouth

        A series of pilot programs confirmed our well-
        researched hunch—that the STC fills a longstanding gap
        in our region’s land conservation infrastructure. From
        March to December 2023, 266 people flocked to the
        scenic shores of Halfway Pond in Plymouth for trainings,
        conferences, and residence at our 12,000-square-
        foot facility on 450 acres of diverse conservation
        land. Training courses were presented by 17 different
        instructors and attended by staff of 16 organizations
        and eight municipalities. Nine organizations, in addition
        to Wildlands, used the facilities for their own training,
        research, and housing needs.

        In 2024, the STC entered its first official year in
        operation. This spring and summer, our Tier 1 Volunteer   In 2023, 28 organizations and municipalities
                                                             attended or led programs at the STC.
        Training Series is advancing a crucial element of the
        STC’s mission: equipping volunteers with the skills
        and confidence they need to, in turn, equip their
        towns, cities, and local land trusts with much-needed
        stewardship support. Four sold-out trainings prove that
        volunteers are eager to contribute to the long-term care
        of our region’s special places.

        “Last year, we learned that there is widespread support
        for expanded land stewardship education, and that
        our facility on Halfway Pond is highly conducive to this
        work,” said Zoë Smiarowski, Wildlands’ Stewardship
        Programs Manager who oversees the STC. “We’re
        excited to keep building this diverse community of
        environmental caretakers across the state and region.”

        To learn more about the Stewardship Training Center,
        visit For questions about
        training and rental opportunities, email

                                                         Seasonal Land Steward Training in June 2023 at the STC.   7
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