Page 8 - wildlands 2024 spring Newsletter v2_Neat
P. 8

Wildlands prefers to de-escalate
                                                                             land conflicts, but sometimes it
                                                                             takes more to fulfill our moral
                                                                             and legal obligations.

        Standing Up                                                          On conservation lands, conflict is the rule, not
                                                                             the exception. Diverse flora and fauna compete
                                                                             for limited habitat. Rivers, forests, and fields
                                                                             battle over millennia to gain footholds in
        for Our Lands                                                        local landscapes. Human activity can further
                                                                             complicate turbulent ecosystems.

                                                                             Conflict is not only natural, but integral to our
                                                                             appreciation of wild places. As stewards of
                                                                             shared outdoor spaces across Southeastern
                                                                             Massachusetts, Wildlands Trust embraces the
                                                                             conflicts that necessarily arise, responding
                                                                             to each with awareness and empathy for the
                                                                             complex interactions that often resist simple
                                                                             solutions. But when the occasional conflict
                                                                             threatens our ability to carry out our mission,
                                                                             Wildlands is prepared to stand up for our lands,
                                                                             and the people and wildlife who depend on

                                                                             Littering is among the most frequent issues
                                                                             we encounter on our trails. In most cases,
                                                                             Wildlands responds through public education
                                                                             and volunteer clean-up. But when a Plymouth
                                                                             resident began using a local preserve as his
                                                                             personal dump in late 2020, the unprecedented
                                                                             severity of the infraction forced us to adopt a
                                                                             uniquely severe response. Wildlands contacted
                                                                             the police, resulting in the District Attorney
                                                                             filing charges against the perpetrator and
                                                                             ordering him to pay restitution for the costly

                                                                             Rarely, disputes over land rights compel us
                                                                             to the courtroom. When abutters blocked the
                                                                             only road into one of our Rochester preserves
        Director of Field Operations                                         in 2017, Wildlands’ legal and moral obligation
        Erik Boyer at Cortelli Preserve
        in Plymouth.                                                         to steward the land came under threat, leaving
                                                                             us no choice but to file a lawsuit. In January
                                                                             2024, our investment and persistence finally
                                                                             paid off when the Plymouth County Superior
                                                                             Court awarded us a prescriptive easement
                                                                             over the road, restoring access to the preserve.
                                                                             A prescriptive easement is a legal right-of-
                                                                             way to land owned by someone else due to
                                                                             open, longstanding use without permission or
                                                                             objection from the landowner.

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