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Annual music scholarship
awarded to Allison Zeoli
The Phil’s scholarship committee recently announced its selection of Allison
Zeoli, a student from Pembroke High School, as the 2020-2021 scholarship
recipient: “Your experiences, your hard work over several years, the effort you
have put into learning several instruments, the seriousness of your private voice
lessons, and your maturity will serve you well as you set your sights on college.”
It may only be the midpoint through her junior year, but Allison Zeoli’s bulleted list
of musical activities, performances, and accomplishments already spans three
pages in length. From classical vocal performances in German, to published
vocal covers and open mic performances, Allison’s passion is self-evident in her
range of interests and achievements, as is her willingness to challenge herself.
In my life, music has
always been the This year’s recipient aspires to study music education and music composition.
center of emotion and “I hope to strengthen by music theory skills as well as explore the composition
expression…I found of choral music,” says Allison Zeoli. “I strive to challenge myself with music,
myself fascinated with therefore high caliber music classes are what I seek in college.”
music’s ability to affect
an audience’s emotions. Allison plays the French horn for her high school’s wind
It astonished me that ensemble, directs an a cappella club called the Dynamic
if a piece of music Divas, serves in a variety of leadership roles and maintains
was performed with high academic grades. Despite her busy schedule, Allison
intricacy and an intense graciously prepared a special performance video for
understanding of the
composer’s intentions, it Connections (see video) which showcases her incredible
could perhaps change an talent.
audience member’s life. The scholarship committee shares the same sentiment
Through this fascination as one of her teachers: “I am excited to see where music
with the emotional aspect
of performance, I began to will take Allison in her life. I’m sure it will be someplace
seek out songs that evoked wonderful.”
many different emotions, Congratulations and best wishes, Allison.
from joy to despair,
suspense and grief. I found The Phil’s scholarship is awarded to an eligible Plymouth county junior who
that solo music, with the plans to attend a four-year music program majoring in music performance
right performer, could (instrumental or vocal,) music education, or music composition. The intention
draw me in and leave me of the $2500 prize is to enhance a student’s college application. Past recipients
speechless, but choral have used the funds to enroll in summer programs, help with lessons, or toward
music is where I created the purchase of a new instrument. Application details at
a serious connection with
the power of the piece. CONNECTIONS PAGE 35
~Alli Zeoli