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More love from Anthony Nunziata

                                   This week two years ago, the Phil celebrated Steven Karidoyanes’ 25th anniversary
                                   season with a Valentines on Broadway fundraising party-concert featuring twin
                                   tenors, Will and Anthony Nunziata. The memorable night included lots of fun, laughs
                                   and great music!

                                   Executive Director Kim Corben checks in with Will and Anthony from time to time,
                                   and follows their social media accounts which have been full of concert dates and
                                   exciting projects. “It’s something special when we develop long-term relationships
                                   with our soloists or musical guests,” explains Kim Corben. “I get excited hearing
       With his solo debut         about their new projects. They become an extension of our Phil family.”
        “The Love Album,”
      Pelham Manor native          In that same spirit of generosity, Anthony shared
        Anthony Nunziata           a performance of I Found a Home, as part of
      takes his place among        the Phil’s virtual holiday concert in December.
      the greats. A blend of       Most recently, he sent an additional song for
     standards and originals,      our Connections audience to enjoy. Anthony
       “The Love Album” is         wrote The Greatest Wish with Jim Brickman and
       a fine introduction to      Victoria Shaw, and while it has a holiday theme,
       Nunziata, who may           the sentiment is timeless.
        already be known
          to some for his          What are Will and Anthony doing now?
      musical performance          Will is living in New York City and directing television, film and theatre. He is directing
       collaborations with         Irish playwright Derek Murphy’s brand-new dark comedy A VERY IRISH KILLING as
      identical twin brother       part of the prestigious Origin 1st Irish Theatre Festival. He recently shared, “I can’t
       Will as the duo Will        wait for the world to get a virtual “sneak peek” at this play before it hits the NYC
        & Anthony. As the          and Ireland stages in 2022.” He’s also directing a brand-new musical, The Valley
      song says, “What the         the Musical.
       world needs now is
        love” and Anthony          Meanwhile, Anthony released his solo debut The Love
      Nunziata provides it in      Album, and currently calls Nashville home.  As he explained
           abundance.              in an article for WAG magazine, “In March I performed a
                                   few livestream concerts. Since then, I’ve been deep into
      From A ‘LOVE’ LETTER         songwriting for two album projects as well as for other
       TO THE WORLD, by            artists. My team and I have written 14 songs in the past
       Gregg Shapiro, WAG          two months. “

                                   With restrictions lifting a bit in areas of the country,
                                   Anthony has added some live performance dates to his
                                   calendar as well. In the coming week he’ll bring his love
                                   songs to life in Florida, performing at The Wick Theatre,
                                   coinciding with Valentine’s Day.

                                   To learn more about Anthony’s projects or future performance dates, visit

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