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Automatic Roll Filter

                                   Core Identification Guide

                       Type AA core is             Roll  idth  *Model         Type FA core is            Roll  idth  *Model
                       3/4" metal pipe.             20-1/4"  21AA             2-1/8" I.D.                  8-3/4"   09FA
                       Core ends are                22-1/4"  22AA             Notched fiber-               14-3/4"  15FA
                       15/16"   and                 24-3/4"  25AA             board tube with              20-3/4"  21FA
            American Air 13/16" with end            31-7/8"  32AA             no drive pin, discs          26-3/4"  27FA
             Roll-O-Matic disks of 11"              32-3/4"  03AA      Farr   or cups.  Most               32-3/4"  03FA
              Kennard  diameter on both             38-1/2"  39AA    Automatic  Farr V-8 (vertical)        38-3/4"  39FA
             Herman- Nel- ends.                     39-7/8"  40AA     Manual  units use a                  44-3/4"  04FA
             son = 8" end                           44-3/4"  04AA             1-3/4" I.D. core.            50-3/4"  51FA
               plates                               56-3/4"  05AA                                          56-3/4"  05FA
             Electro-Air                            68-7/8"   06AA                                         68-3/4"   06FA
                                   Glasfloss  AA                                         Glasfloss  FA
                                   ID Code                                               ID Code

                       Type CA core is             Roll  idth  *Model         Type CO core is            Roll  idth  *Model
                       3/4" metal pipe.             23-3/4"  02CA             3" I.D.                      21-7/8"  02CO
                       Core ends are                32-3/4"  03CA             fiberboard tube              31-7/8"  03CO
                       15/16" and 13/16".           44-3/4"  04CA   Continental with drive pin 2-          43-7/8"  04CO
                       Metal discs avail-           56-3/4"  05CA   Conomanual 1/2" from one               55-7/8"  05CO
                       able, specify when           65-3/4"  06CA    Conomatic  end of tube only.          67-7/8"  06CO
             Cambridge  ordering.                     69"    69CA   Commercial No cups or discs
              Auto Roll                                               Full-Flo  are used.
                                                                    Mine Safety
                                   Glasfloss  CA                                         Glasfloss  CO
                                   ID Code                                               ID Code

                       Type TR (Trane)             Roll  idth  *Model         Type BLC core is           Roll  idth  *Model
                       CR (Carrier) core            19-3/8"   19TR            1-1/2" I.D.                  34-5/8"  35BLC
                       is 2-7/16" I.D.              21-3/8"   21TR            EMT Conduit                  46-5/8"  47BLC
                       fiberboard tube              25-3/4"   25TR            with 11"                     58-5/8"  59BLC
                       with a metal cup             31-3/8"   31TR            end plates re-               70-5/8"  71BLC
                       secured and re-              35-3/8"   35TR            cessed
               Trane   cessed to a                  38-3/4"   38TR     BLC    1-3/8" from each
               Carrier  depth of 1-1/2" in          45-3/8"   45TR            end
                       each end.  The               50-1/4"   50TR            of core.
                       cups are stamped             54-3/8"   54TR
                       to form a 1-1/2"             59-3/8"   59TR
                       square.                      61-3/4"   61TR
                                   Glasfloss        63-3/8"   63TR                       Glasfloss
                                   ID Code   TR                                          ID Code   BLC

                   *The model number must be added as a suffix to the corresponding media designation to obtain proper part number.

                                           “Serving You With Locations Throughout The Nation”
     Glasfloss has a policy of uninterrupted research, development and product improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.
                                         ·  (214) 741-7056
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