Page 14 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 22nd February 2021
P. 14
technology increases total efficiency by 10% or Reel Power Industrial’s RD line is one of its most
more. This results in lower total cost of ownership popular solutions. The RD line is typically used by
(TCO) through energy savings, as well as reduced wire and cable distribution facilities where large
carbon emissions. spools of copper wire are transferred down to
The RD unit also requires a variable speed smaller reels for contractor use. The new RD10 rim
control to allow operators to control the rewind drive shaftless take-up is a recent addition to the
process. “Older RD models accomplished this via range, the next stage in a development cycle that
mechanical variable speed drives with adjustable has run for decades.
pulleys. Newer models utilised VFD controls with “Manufactured for over 30 years, the RD line
inverter-duty induction motors,” Crosley said. has been periodically updated to take advantage of
“However, switching to PMSM is not always a innovative technology as it becomes available,” said
simple adjustment. After thoroughly testing many Joe Crosley, Senior Electrical Engineer at Reel
VFD controls, we found some drive manufacturers Power Industrial. “Initially, RD Series take-offs were
do not have adequate algorithms for PMSM offered with a 20 hp mechanical variable drive
control.” system that provided high-torque but was
The BK40 was matched with a suitable VFD to cumbersome and expensive to maintain. Then, as
provide the desired functionality. To test variable frequency drives (VFD) and controls
performance, an RD10 was loaded with a 4,500+ became available, we upgraded but had to increase
kg reel and operated for several hours, with periodic horsepower to maintain low-end torque.”
stop starts. This would ensure that the BK40 could RD10 reels are ‘rim driven’ allowing for quick
handle the load. Engineering teams from both Bauer change out and loading of large wire and cable
Gear Motor and Reel spools. The machine uses a geared motor to drive a
Power Industrial coll- roller which rotates the cable reel as it coils. The
aborated closely to output shaft of the geared motor is coupled, via
fine tune the motor to chain and sprocket, to the drive roller. A smaller
meet performance motor with gearbox drives two threaded rods which,
expectations. in turn, move the ejection roller up and down the
frame. Maintaining a consistent
winding torque through all
speed ranges is critical to
ensure proper spooling.
Along with being an
efficient solution for the
RD10, the size-to-power
ratio of the BK40 was a key
factor in its selection.
“Aside from the inherent
superior efficiency provided
by the Bauer PMSM
technology, due to its
power-dense design, we