Page 17 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 22nd February 2021
P. 17
miniature cubic devices, mounted above product option is to have a second output to provide the
conveyors, detect the presence of transparent tray stability alarm in the event of reduced sensitivity,
bases as they arrive at the loading station. flagging the need for preventative maintenance
Positioning sensors is simple thanks to a range of before any performance degradation occurs.
adjustable mounting brackets, and auto-collimated The robust sensors which are only 20mm x
optics ensure there are no blind zones. 30mm x 10mm feature Ecolab-certified plastic
Contrinex transparent-object sensors utilize a housings. A sensing range up to 1200 mm,
patented reflex operating principle with polarized adjustable via a teach button or via IO-Link,
ultraviolet light at 275 nm. At this wavelength, accommodates a wide range of machine
absorption of the polarized UV light by a range of geometries. Sensitivity parameters are stored on the
commonly used plastics is maximized. Custom- sensor’s inbuilt memory and may be retrieved or
designed UV reflectors, using high-tech plastic updated remotely via IO-Link, eliminating the need
materials with excellent reflective properties in the for manual adjustment.
ultraviolet range, provide a range of sizes and The robust sensors which are only 20mm x
geometries that simplify installation. 30mm x 10mm feature Ecolab-certified plastic
An industry-standard PNP normally-open output housings, are corrosion-resistant and impervious to
ensures optimum flexibility. Additionally, IO-Link, a water ingress and has the additional benefit of
standardized point-to-point serial connection offering a range of low-cost stainless-steel mounting
protocol for sensors and actuators, is enabled on and protection bracketry.
PNP versions at no additional cost. An additional