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now routinely specified for industrial processes as   then send this data for storing, trending, analyse
       businesses gain a better understanding of their   and action. Sensors are simpler devices, which
       benefits. In these applications, the RTU connects to   means they are not designed to interpret protocol
       a plant control room or SCADA, providing a low   communication on their own like RTUs. That’s why
       latency response to changing process conditions as   RTU’s play a crucial role in digitising the inputs
       well as performing data filtering. They ensure that   from sensors into protocol format and transmitting
       only key, critical information is passed securely via   them to SCADA. The SCADA then issues control
       the narrow communications links, minimising data   commands back to the RTU which in turn transmits
       throughput but maximising useful information   electrical signals to control relays.
       received.                              The single biggest advantage of an RTU
         RTU’s are widely used in the industrial sector for   compared to a PLC is that the environmental
       process automation and control as part of a   robustness of the former makes it the stand-out
       supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)   choice for demanding industrial and manufacturing
       system. Effectively, RTU’s are mini-computers that   applications.
       collect data locally, act upon it immediately, and   RTU’s can be used in locations with extreme
       report securely to the central control room, whilst   climatic temperatures and/or remote locations that
       maintaining a local historical store as an additional   are off the power grid. For instance, Kingfisher
       backup.                              RTU’s have been selected as high availability
         RTU’s collect these additional data points from   process controllers with extensive communications
       a vast range of individual pieces of equipment. For   capabilities for sites with temperatures ranging from
       instance, new data points may replace manual dips   -40C to +85C.
       tests to verify the accuracy of primary level sensors,   Their resilient and secure nature, combined with
       track product density to ensure that the right   independent communications links, redundant
       product is in the right vessel or monitor product   power supplies and redundant process controllers
       temperatures, inert gas blanket supply and pump   make them an extremely robust solution in these
       vibration. There are benefits for engineers   applications.
       overseeing remote sites that are vulnerable to theft   Again, RTUs can perform autonomous control in
       and vandalism, too. The opportunity list is virtually   real time and then report to SCADA that it has
       endless.                             everything under control. Engineers at the SCADA
                                            interface can ‘supervise’ the operations by setting
       Key differences                      new KPIs (Set Points) or updating instructions
       The main difference between an RTU and PLC is   (open/close this, start/stop that, for example) for
       that the former is highly suitable for assets spread   RTUs to then act upon and manage locally.
       over wide geographic areas because they use
       wireless communication. PLCs can be better suited  Can RTUs facilitate IIoT?
       to local controls, although there is now much   There has been a significant improvement in RTU
       overlap in functionality between the two and cost   processing power and memory recently, which is
       effectiveness of latest RTU’s mean they are often   helping facilitate Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
       used for ‘near’ location assets.     A significant area of opportunity is the ability of IIoT
         RTUs, the field part of a SCADA system, are   to create smart assets, even those that are part way
       used to translate the physical world into digital and   through their lifecycle. For example, deploying

                          November 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p11
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