Page 31 - Industrial Technology January 2020
P. 31
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Safe in the robotic
arms of Mitsubishi
ollaborative and cooperative The MELFA SafePlus solution
robotic solutions that work includes safety monitoring functions
together with humans are on that allow the robot to adapt to different
Cthe rise, as they can support conditions. For example, robots
operators on the factory floor and implementing SafePlus can avoid
enhance their output. Mitsubishi certain operational areas when occupied
Electric has increased the availability of by humans (Limited Range Control),
this technology significantly with the stop (Safe Stop) or reduce their speed
release of the MELFA SafePlus robot when human operators are in their
safety system. This latest option allows vicinity (Reduced Speed Control) as
any of the over 160 MELFA FR-series soon as the area is clear, the robot can
intelligent industrial robot models to be return to its normal high speed
converted into a co-operative system. operation.
Key features of the SafePlus option
include robot positioning and monitoring Maximising productivity
functions, as well as Blue Danube Further enhancements have increased
Robotics’ AIRSKIN cover, a pressure the robots’ capabilities to safely operate
sensitive safety skin that further helps to close to humans and within other space
reduce the robot’s force and stop it if a constraints, MELFA SafePlus can now
collision occurs. bring human-machine cooperation to a
As human-machine interactions new level. As a result, the number of
continue to advance in sophistication emergency stops is reduced and
and increase in popularity, robots need machine uptime is maximised, posi-
to be able to safely work alongside tively affecting productivity.
human operators in an uncaged The latest version of SafePlus
environment. To achieve this, features more than safety monitoring
cooperative robots need to promptly and collision detection functions, which
detect any intrusion into their working are fundamental for co-operative
area and adapt accordingly, either operations. Safety logic editing, speed True low cost automation
slowing down or stopping. The removal and positioning monitoring functions
of safety guards contributes to contribute to a higher safety perform-
maximising the factory space available ance. Maintenance free drive
and increases productivity for individual The position monitoring function not
production cells. only controls the position of the robot system with no lubrication
The latest MELFA SafePlus solution but also external movements in up to
offers a number of new features in order eight designated areas around the Modular design
to make it safer, easier and more machine. As a result, says Mitsubishi
efficient when turning Mitsubishi Electric, the robotic arm can adapt its
Electric’s industrial robots into co- behaviour in real-time on the basis of
operative machines that do not need what is happening in its proximity. For
safety cages. The technology can be example, the robot can reduce its
applied to both horizontal SCARA and speed, avoid moving towards the
vertical articulated arm robots used in a obstacle or stop.
broad range of industries. MORE INFO: Tel: 01604 677240