Page 29 - Industrial Technology October/ November 2020 issue
P. 29


       Material considerations

                                                                         SRPINGS & DAMPERS


               spring’s environment will hugely impact the   Specific temperatures: When choos-
             materials chosen. It's crucial to consider the   ing materials, it’s also important to
             application environment because this will impact   consider whether the spring will need to
       Athe final product – for example, if you need a   operate in an environment with low or
       spring for an electronic product, then that spring will   high temperatures. If springs are used in
       probably need to be conductive and/or possess resistance   environments with temperatures outside
       to heat.                                 of their recommended levels, they can
         Load conditions: The load conditions represent a key   become damaged, deformed or brittle.
       consideration: can  the spring withstand the stress   Chrome silicon alloys, for example, are
       conditions that it will be put under? The pressure or   a good option for sectors and applications
       tension placed on a spring will impact its performance and   where heat is a concern, since they can
       lifespan, so it’s critical that the spring is made from a   withstand high temperatures; in fact, their
       durable material capable of meeting these application   working temperatures are usually over 200°C. These   need to take hygiene into consideration. Not only do
       loads. There are two different types of loads:   alloys are also suitable for high-stress applications, since   springs used in these sectors have to be durable and
       l   With a static load, which refers to a fixed load that is   they have a high degree of fatigue resistance, like fuel   capable of handling high-pressure environments, but they
       applied in a gradual manner, the spring only needs to   injector springs. Low temperatures also require careful   also have to be easy to clean and disinfect, especially in
       operate for a low number of cycles; its ability to withstand   material consideration. Industries that work with low   today’s climate.
       stress in these conditions will depend on the tensile   temperatures include the energy, agriculture and health   Stainless steels are suitable for these applications, as
       strength of the material.                sectors, and non-ferrous alloys, such as those containing   they help to keep places clean, reduce the risk of infection
       l   A dynamic load consists of a force that is applied   nickel or the 300 series stainless steels, can perform well   and help to save lives.
       varyingly, and it means the spring itself is moving due to   in both high and low temperatures.   Magnetic properties: Certain environments require the
       the pressure applied.                       Nearly all aluminium alloys can also be applied at   use of magnetic or non-magnetic materials, so this is
         Materials like hard-drawn steel wire, which are more   temperatures around –45°C while still functioning well,   another property to consider. High carbon steel is a good
       cost-effective, are suitable for applications where the load   and high-alloy austenitic stainless steels can work at   example of a material that is widely popular, cost-effective
       applied on the spring is static. Certain families of stainless   temperature below –196°C.   and highly magnetic – however, the alloy has a low degree
       steels, like the Duplex one, have high tensile strength,   Resistance to corrosion: Corrosive environments, like   of resistance to corrosion and should be used in a sealed
       which means they can withstand a higher degree of   those found in chemical plants or in oil platforms at sea,   environment.
       pressure. They are also found in sectors like transportation   require the use of materials that can not only withstand   If the environment application requires a non-magnetic
       (rail, cycling, etc). If the spring will be under a dynamic   repeated use but that can also resist corrosion over time.   spring because of the surrounding materials (so nothing
       load, it also needs to have good resistance to fatigue –   While no spring – or any other part – will last forever, you   oscillate, for instance), then something like aluminium,
       music wire is a good option for that.    have a better chance of maximising its longevity and of   titanium and bronze, just to name a few, are your best bet.
                                                            ensuring a good performance by   Weight restrictions: Industries like aerospace need
                                                            selecting the right materials.   springs and components that are strong, durable and long-
                                                               Corrosion happens when metal   lasting, as well as low in weight. In aircraft, every gram
                                                            reacts to its surroundings, but some are   count, so materials like aluminium are often the preferred
                                                            less susceptible than others. Ideally, you   option.
                                                            should look for metals and alloys like:   This is because aluminium weighs only 2.7g/cm ,
                                                            l Cold-drawn copper alloys, which are   which is around a third of that of steel and allows for
                                                            excellent  where  good  electrical   vehicles and aircraft to reduce dead-weight and improve
                                                            conductivity is required and are also   energy consumption. A plane with many steel parts would
                                                            highly resistant to corrosion.   never fly as well or operate as efficiently as one with
                                                            l Nickel alloys and chromium alloys,   aluminium components.
                                                            as they’re often resistant to corrosion in   There are many material implications when it comes to
                                                            addition to being resistant to wear and   different application environments, so choosing a spring
                                                            tear and oxidation, making them   manufacturer who understands this is vital. Airedale
                                                            suitable for a wide range of applications.   Springs has 75 years of knowledge and expertise, so we’re
                                                               Hygienic and clinical environments:   able to deliver high-quality springs and wire forms to
                                                            While this may not apply to everything,   clients in a large number of industries.
                                                            industries like the food and medical ones   MORE INFORMATION:

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