Page 32 - Industrial Technology October/ November 2020 issue
P. 32



                                                             ENCLOSURES, CABINETS AND FANS

                 field equipment shelter fitted with fault-tolerant   means that the basestation is far from the
               cooling is ensuring the reliability of a wireless   electricity grid, and must be powered by solar
               communications link that connects instrument-  energy. The passive cooling system, based on
         Aation on a new gas pipeline crossing a Middle   a water tank with internal and external heat
         Eastern desert to the remote control room. Fabricated from   exchangers, exploits the desert climate’s daily
         tough glassfibre-reinforced polyester (GRP) materials, the   temperature swing to store the coolness of
         shelter houses a TETRA basestation powered by solar   the night and use it to moderate internal
         panels – in order to function reliably in an off-grid location   temperatures during the day. The water
         some 50 km from the nearest town.        circulates around the system by natural
           Intertec’s shelter employs a ‘hybrid cooling’ system to   convection, without electrical power or
         safeguard the 56m 2  shelter’s electronics equipment, and   moving parts.
         battery power storage compartment – a Zone 1 area. The
         system consists of a water-based passive cooler assisted  Increased efficiency        The water coolers are a new variant of Intertec’s novel
         by dual-redundant electrically-powered water coolers. This   This system alone manages the shelter’s cooling needs   Hybricool range that operate directly from a DC power
         approach combines the intrinsic reliability of passive   during the winter months – typically keeping temperatures   supply, making them an efficient solution for solar-
         cooling with active water refrigeration to increase cooling   at around 18-20°C. The two powered water coolers   powered installations. These cooling units are specially
         efficiency on hot days.                  increase the efficiency of the cooling system during the   designed to supplement passive coolers operating in
           The system can handle a cooling load of around 1.9   hottest months – operating in an alternating sequence for   process plants, with a heat exchanger element that can be
         kW, ensuring that even during this Middle Eastern   fault tolerance – typically maintaining temperatures in the   installed inside the water storage tank of a passive cooling
         climate's summer – when ambient temperatures can climb   20-30°C range. Even if both water coolers were to fail,   system to decrease temperature. This interior element is
         as high as 55°C – interior shelter temperatures will always   Intertec's passive system has enough cool water capacity   isolated from the rest of the externally-mounted
         stay below a worst-case peak of around 35°C. At other   to maintain low shelter temperatures for many days, giving   refrigeration system, making it both an efficient and
         times of the year, internal shelter temperatures are   maintenance staff plenty of time to access the remote site   economic solution for explosion proof applications.
         maintained far below these levels. The remote location   and make repairs.         MORE INFORMATION:

             Enclosure Climate Control

             Whatever the scale......

                    ......we have the solution

                               ENCLOSURES                                POWER DISTRIBUTION                          CLIMATE CONTROL
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