Page 14 - Industrial Technology Extra 7th September 2020
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experience in factory automation as well as the maintenance features and diagnostic data. The
latest technologies. In this way, a roadmap of company’s solutions for edge computing are also
suitable and scalable solutions that will deliver a helping manufacturers to process data, effectively
rapid Return On Investment (ROI) as well as clear integrating IT and OT. Furthermore, Mitsubishi
technical benefits for the intended application can Electric’s condition monitoring and smart
be developed. Furthermore, continuous support and maintenance tools utilise equipment data to create
assistance can be offered throughout the entire accurate and precise models aimed at optimising
digitalisation process. predictive maintenance activities.
Mitsubishi Electric and its UK integration By relying on the right partnership for their
partners have a proven track record of helping digital transformation journeys, manufacturers can
manufacturing businesses with digital benefit from the latest technologies, modularity and
transformation and migration strategies – built on scalability. In this way, businesses are supported at
innovative automation products that incorporate the each stage of their digital strategy, which will
latest technologies. These include intelligent ultimately lead to the development of a competitive
automation devices that are capable of local AI edge.
processing and deliver a wealth of preventative