Page 16 - Industrial Technology Extra 7th September 2020
P. 16


       Matching actual performance

       to the performance guarantee

       Power transformer manufacturer is now able to optimise its efficiency
       guarantees thanks power analyzer technology supplied by Yokogawa

              y using the Yokogawa WT5000 Precision   customers are looking for when they specify a new
              Power Analyzer, Società Elettromeccan-  transformer or reactor.
              ica Arzignanese (SEA), an Italian   Transformers play a crucial role in the
       Bmanufacturer of power transformer and   transmission and distribution of electrical energy;
       reactors with a worldwide reputation for engineering   they precisely regulate the voltage of the electricity
       excellence and high production quality, is able to   supply as it is transmitted from power stations to
       closely match the efficiency performance guarantee   homes, offices, factories and high power
       that it makes to a customer, with the actual   consumers, such as railways. There is always some
       performance of the transformer.      power loss when one voltage level is changed to
         Founded in 1959, SEA supplies high-value   another. In a transformer operating at transmission-
       assets which are expected to provide a return over   network voltages of tens of thousands of volts, the
       decades. Quality, durability, safety and reliable   loss of even a fraction of 1% of the converted power
       performance are therefore key characteristics that   can result in losses of many thousands of Watthours

                         September 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA • p16
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