Page 18 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 27th April 2020
P. 18

redundancy. The units are operated by a SOBO (Soft
                                            Braking  Option)  control  system,  which  is  able  to
                                            detect runaway situations. SOBO uses proportional
                                            integral (PI) algorithms to handle the fast dynamics
                                            of  the  braking  process  in  a  highly  efficient  and
                                            reliable way. As a result, the system can counteract
                                             overspeed  in  a  matter  of  milliseconds  as  well  as
                                                providing  a  smooth  stop,  preventing
                                                  mechanical overload of the drivetrain.
                                                        In addition to controlling the speed
                                                      of the brake disc, the HPUs are able
                                                      to  monitor  a  wide  range  of  process
                                                      parameters.   More   precisely,
                                                       Svendborg  Brakes  equipped  them
                                                       with  key  sensors  to  measure  oil
                                                        level, temperature, pressure, motor
         Michael  Nygaard-Nissen,  Global  Key  Account  and pump functioning. Operators can access all the
       Manager at Svendborg Brakes, explains: “While the  data  remotely,  optimising  visualisation  and
       braking system developed for the 300 kW turbine  diagnostic activities.
       was  relatively  simple,  this  larger  application
       required  more  advanced  features.  One  particular  More than a solution
       challenge experienced during the design phase was  After designing such an advanced braking solution,
       combining all of these features while maintaining a  Svendborg  Brakes  also  took  care  of  preparing  all
       compact layout that would fit into the limited space  relevant  documentation  for  DNV  certification  as
       available.  The  expertise  of  Svendborg  Brakes’  well  as  manufacturing  and  installing  the  braking
       engineers  and  our  commitment  to  delivering  an  equipment. As a result, the tidal turbine OEM could
       ideal setup for specific applications proved crucial  benefit  from  a  one-stop-shop  for  all  its  braking
       to addressing this issue.”           needs.
                                              The  1  MW  unit  is  now  fully  operational  at
       Advanced control for smooth operations  European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)’s wave test
       The  resulting  system  developed  by  Svendborg  site,  and  the  bespoke  braking  system  has  been
       Brakes  relies  on  two  BSFI  3000  mono-spring,  working  smoothly  since  its  installation.  Michael
       hydraulically-released  brakes.  These  provide  Nygaard-Nissen  continues:  “We  are  pleased  with
       120,000 N clamping force each to meet the high  the outcome of this project and delighted to know
       torque needs required by the application. Also, the  that the customer is happy with our support and the
       mono-spring  nature  of  the  brakes  allows  them  to  solution  delivered.  Key  elements  that  they
       accommodate any vertical movement of the brake  particularly  appreciate  are  redundancy  and  the
       disc without having it touch the pads during normal  possibility to control the machine remotely, which
       operation.                           help to substantially reduce maintenance cost and
         The  hydraulic  brakes  are  connected  to  two  2-  downtime.”
       stage hydraulic power units (HPUs), in order to offer

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