Page 14 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 27th April 2020
P. 14
LED curing lamps have no warm up or cool down period,
they can be switched on and off repeatedly providing
instant full intensity UV light
cured using high intensity 365nm
UV light.
Unlike gas discharge lamps which
have a broad light spectrum ranging from
340nm to 420nm, LED light sources have a
monochromatic light spectrum with specific light
wavelengths matched to the curing requirements of
the adhesive used, with the most common being
365nm and 405nm. LED curing lamps have no l Handheld or jig mounted ‘flood lamps’, which
warm up or cool down period, they can be switched emit UV over a given area and can be combined
on and off repeatedly providing instant full intensity with a conveyor system to deliver the product to the
UV light. An additional benefit is that LED light light source.
sources do not produce any infrared head which l Fibre optic light guides. These deliver UV light
could distort or damage temperature sensitive along single or multiple fibre optic or liquid filled
substrates such as thin films or components on a light guides which give a very narrow beam of
PCB. intense UV light.
By contrast gas discharge lamps have to warm l UV Light cabinets such as Honle’s UVA cube are
up for a few minutes before they reach optimum self-contained enclosures in which multiple bonded
intensity and are ready to use. Similarly they cannot parts can be placed and cured at the same time.
be turned on and off repeatedly as a thermal cut off They can also be used as sun simulation chambers.
switch prevents this. The lamp has to cool down l UV Laser pens are simple hand held precision
which could take up to 10 minutes before it is ready LED UV light sources and are ideal for production or
to use again. This can have an impact on the speed laboratory work. They offer great flexibility in
of production. The useful bulb life of a gas discharge delivering UV light with minimal heat output.
lamp is around 500-750 operating hours whereas l LED UV Torch. This is a simple, low cost high
an LED lamp can last between 10,000 and 20,000 power UV torch that emits a high intensity narrow
operating hours depending on the system used. beam of 365nm UV light. It is ideal for small bond
Careful consideration should be given to the lines, prototyping, small scale production, creating
most suitable type of UV light system required for decorative artwork. Ideal for site work too as it is
your given project or specific application. There are battery powered.
five main types of UV light system.