Page 9 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 27th April 2020
P. 9
dependent on several factors such as; the material fixture, or fed by a conveyor – in the latter case a
to be dispensed, the level of accuracy, and the gantry robot is needed.
tolerance and repeatability required. It is important to understand early in the
Once the manufacturer has decided on an specification process the expected tolerances and
appropriate dispensing methodology, then a repeatability for the application. Meeting these will
positioning system (robot) can be chosen. depend on the dimensional consistency of the parts
Factors to understand when specifying a and the accuracy of the positional tooling, as well as
dispensing robot include the work area – robots are the performance of the robot and dispensing
available from 200x200mm up. Decisions will be methodology. It may be that the desired results are
made on the size of the parts, and if multiple parts too demanding for this combination, so that that
will be loaded onto the bed for each cycle. If the add-ons like automatic dispensing tip alignment,
parts are tall, then robot Z height is consideration; height sensing or vision-based fiducial adjustment
for taller parts, a gantry-type robot may be required are required.
instead of a benchtop robot. By working with an experienced supplier,
Most dispensing robots supplied are fully manufacturers can carefully consider their options
programmable in 3 axes, but 4 axis and 5 axis and select appropriate equipment. Your supplier can
robots are available for more complex 3D supply and integrate the dispenser with the robot
dispensing paths. The robot will need to support and configure it with the tools, fixtures, benches
(and maybe move) the weight of the parts and the and safety enclosures. Importantly, they will also
holding jig, and support (and move) the dispenser, provide the training needed to get the process
so weight is a potential issue. Finally, will the parts running optimally.
be loaded/unloaded manually, on a pre-loaded