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Bespoke automation systems:
The no-compromise solution
Paul Simmons, Engineering Director at CME, discusses why a bespoke solution
effective and explains how the term ‘bespoke’ can sometimes be misunderstood
utomation comes in many
different guises, including
a multitude of standard
Amachines and systems,
designed and manufactured to
perform specific functions. At the
other end of the scale, there is the
proliferation of the latest collaborative
robots. These offer high levels of
flexibility, but with limitations on
speed, payload and application to
ensure safety of operators sharing the
same workspace.
There are however many applications where processes or manufacturing steps to be performed
neither the standard approach nor the robotic in ways which existing standard machines are
solution, whether it is an industrial or collaborative unable to achieve. This is where a bespoke solution,
variant, is able to meet all of the specified criteria. tailored to the product and the most efficient
In these instances, only a bespoke automation technologies required to produce it, will be the most
system, designed around the specific requirements efficient and potentially cost effective solution.
and characteristics of the product, and its It’s worth pointing out that the term bespoke can
manufacturing processes, has the capability to mean different things to different people. Some may
deliver the optimum solution with no compromises. believe that the term ‘bespoke’ infers limited
Given a choice, we would all prefer to buy capability or flexibility. Of course, there are some
proven technology in the form of a standard bespoke machines designed to perform highly
machine which has a track record in the field. repetitive assembly or process tasks on very specific
Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially parts with limited flexibility. The bespoke systems
in instances where new products are being designed and built by CME are multi-technology
developed and brought to market. In some cases solutions which may encompass a combination of
these products may require a series of specific pneumatics, servo systems, machine vison, robotics