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machine vision system to perform the same check, A bespoke solution will also benefit from
but on 100% of the parts manufactured experience gained in different sectors As a company
automatically. This not only improved quality active across a number of different market sectors,
control but generated savings in time and cost by we benefit from the ability to apply concepts or
eliminating the need for offline inspection. A simple techniques from these different sectors. For
yet valuable change. example, the tobacco sector operates at very high
A bespoke solution, whilst addressing the needs speed, so where speed is essential for an
of today, can also be designed to incorporate a degree application within another sector, we can draw
of flexibility for future product designs or sizes. This upon that expertise to help define a solution. The
can be achieved in a number of ways, either through same principles apply where cleanliness or hygiene
a series of pre-defined adjustments or settings, which is important, we can draw on our experience from
in certain cases can be initiated automatically form the Pharmaceutical and Food sectors.
the system HMI, by manual setting procedures, or if This ability to completely tailor the solution to
required by change parts. Other examples of meet the demands of the customer, their products,
enhancing the capability of a system may include the and any specifications or regulations specific to
integration of a robot(s) to either transfer, orientate or their industry sector offers a comprehensive solution
perform other assembly or process tasks that require without compromise.
greater degrees of flexibility.