Page 11 - Industrisal Technology EXTRA 3rd August 2020
P. 11
This means devices will need to be security Figure 1. Edge devices require transition to
hardened to enable increased functionality in a adopt for Industry 4.0
secure method. Identity and integrity will be at the
core of every device in the field to enable trusted countermeasures must be applied to devices that do
data and secure operation. not reach a sufficient level of security. These
There are many different standards in the countermeasures typically rely on methods such as
industrial market that provide guidance on firewalls to limit access and section off or isolate
implementing security in industrial control systems. vulnerable devices. In the future, devices will need
For example, NIST provides security guidance with to reach higher security levels to enable the
U.S. governance. IEC 62443 is a security standard transition to Industry 4.0.
in draft form for the international market with
governance in Europe. These are two of the most Beyond the physical edge
predominant standards, providing useful guidelines Analog Devices is in a unique position to extend the
for implementing security and assessing one’s secure edge. Our traditional market space is at the
security posture for industrial control systems; physical edge, where the real world is translated
however, they do not provide guidance on how to into digital signals and data is born. This gives us
accelerate the adoption of Industry 4.0. IEC 62443 the opportunity to establish trust in data by
is currently absent any guidelines for implementing providing identity and integrity much earlier in the
security below the PLC and an ISA99 working group signal chain and establish a new definition of the
has recently been established to address cyber secure edge.
security at the bottom layers of the factory within Traditionally, the secure edge has originated at
the IEC 62443 framework. Today, to meet an gateways, PLCs, or even servers in the industrial
acceptable security posture of a system, control systems security framework. This view is