Page 14 - Industrisal Technology EXTRA 3rd August 2020
P. 14


       Bringing the edge and cloud

       together for best advantage

       Chris Evans, marketing and operations group manager at Mitsubishi Electric, looks
       at why the future of network infrastructure balances edge and cloud capabilities

              ata is at the heart of the Industrial   cloud-based locations, resulting in substantial cost
              Internet of Things (IIoT) and Smart   savings.
              Manufacturing. By setting up suitable   Edge technology can provide seamless data co-
       Dplatforms to collect and analyse data, it   ordination between the Operational Technology (OT)
       is possible to gain in-depth, unique insights into   and Information Technology (IT) layers. Edge
       manufacturing processes that can lead to their   technology that follows the guidelines laid down by
       optimisation. The most effective setup combines   the Edgecross Consortium will support multiple
       edge and cloud-based platforms to get the best of   network protocols enabling data to be collected
       both worlds.                         from plant level assets regardless of which
         Edge and cloud computing technologies might   automation vendor equipment is used to control
       on the surface be seen by some as competing   them, thus removing the age old issue, somewhat
       platforms, in fact they are synergistic: by harnessing   eased by the adoption of open network
       the strengths of both of them and by distributing the   technologies, of communicating between disparate
       intelligent analysis in the appropriate way,   automation platforms.
       businesses can maximise productivity, efficiency
       and reduce costs.                    From the Edge to the Cloud
         Machines and automated systems on the plant   The key to unlocking the power of both edge and
       floor generate colossal volumes of time-critical data.   cloud based platforms is to decide which
       This data needs to be analysed and processed in   operational or business driven task is best suited to
       “real time” as in the world of automated production,   either environment. As previously discussed, it is
       the operating time base is in seconds, milliseconds   clear that time critical operational tasks and
       or even microseconds. Edge technology operates in   production based analytics sit better in the real time
       real time and is able to perform data processing   processing capability of the edge layer.
       using Advanced Analytics (AA) and Artificial   However, business drivers such as continuous
       Intelligence (AI) and carry out predictive and   improvement analysis, whole life cost measure-
       preventative modelling.              ment, overall asset performance analysis,
         Additionally, by processing this operational data   scheduling and the management of costs, whereas
       at the edge, it is possible to reduce the number of   still related to production, are non-time critical
       data points that need to be processed in centralised,   activities and sit better at the enterprise level, in

                           August 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p14
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