Page 18 - Industrisal Technology EXTRA 3rd August 2020
P. 18
significantly. All reused parts were subject to NDT
(magnetic particle inspection) and new parts and
workmanship are covered by a 12-month warranty.
Baggaley comments: “We have seen a number
of these types of failure coming through to our
servicing team and are confident in our approach
which offers significant benefits to the customer.
For this project, as with all work undertaken by our
servicing team, we focus on minimising disruption
and delay in the end use of the unit. Some of the
issues uncovered at the investigation stage were
potentially very expensive for the customer so our
approach, reusing parts where commercially viable
and practical, meant that we both kept costs to a gearboxes from numerous manufacturers, up to
minimum as well as avoiding unnecessary delays approximately 1MW capacity (V52 size). Having
with the manufacture or delivery lead-time for new serviced many of this type of gearbox, we’ve added
parts. value to some of the most badly damaged units that
“With more than 30 years combined servicing have been thought unsalvageable.”
expertise, our team are experienced with main