Page 15 - Industrial Technology March 2020 issue
P. 15
Performance comparison of different actuator technologies
means that electric actuators can pay components, savings from scrap
back their initial costs in energy savings reduction and quality improvements can
alone in just a few months. outweigh the additional actuator cost in
2. Reduced heat: The energy lost in two years or less.
hydraulic machines is converted to heat. 5. Increased uptime: Electric
In precision applications, such as plastic machines have fewer wearing parts, and
moulding machines, this heat must be those are all located within the ball or
removed using chillers, further increasing roller screw mechanism and gearbox.
overall energy demand. Electrically Hydraulic devices rely on a network of For more than 60 years we have been
actuated machines require only around valves, hoses, filters and seals. And as
35% of the cooling energy of a hydraulic hydraulic power is distributed, a failure in transforming ideas into reality.
equivalent. one part of the system is likely to bring the
No matter how complex your product design we will
3. Shorter cycle times: The higher entire machine to a stop until the problem
have a solution.
speed and improved controllability of can be identified and repaired. A problem
electromechanical actuators can allow with an electrical actuator can usually be Our reputation as a supplier of precision injection
machines to run faster, increasing output. addressed by quickly swapping out the moulded products means you can expect nothing less
Take robotic spot welding in the affected device. As a result, uptime and than professional support throughout the manufacturing
automotive industry for example. Between machine availability is typically 2% process from our people in the design engineering
welds, the tongs mounted on a robot arm higher, improving output and reducing department, the tool shop, our rapid prototyping bureau
must be opened to allow the arm to per-unit production costs. through to the factory floor, assembly and warehousing.
access the next weld location. Fluid power 6. Simplified maintenance: Finally,
systems typically require the tongs to be electric machines have few reoccurring
fully opened after every weld. expenses. Operators don’t have to buy oil,
Electromechanical systems, on the other filters or seals. They don’t have to stop Outstanding support
hand, can be programmed to open just machines to replace these parts and they
enough to allow the tong to be don’t have to spend money protecting
repositioned. against, or clearing up, leaks and spills. for exceptional ideas
4. Improved material utilisation: Electromechanical systems can also be
Enhanced accuracy and consistency equipped with fully integrated condition
means electrically driven machines are monitoring technology, alerting operations
typically offering twice the repeatability of and maintenance staff to potential
hydraulic alternatives. That drives up problems before they result in an If you’re looking for a plastic injection
quality and reduces scrap. Furthermore, unscheduled stoppage. moulding partner, let’s talk.
since the electric machines deliver Together, these benefits will add up
consistent performance from the moment to savings of several tens of thousands
e Cold Overton Road,
they start up, losses after changeovers are of pounds per year for a typical
w Oakham,
reduced and production teams spend less production machine. Just under half of
time adjusting machine variables to get those savings come from areas other t 01572 723 476 Rutland LE15 6NU
processes under control. Even in than energy use.
applications producing low precision MORE INFORMATION: