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                                                 Stainless geared motors

                                                 reduce HACCP risks

                                                                              GEARS & GEARED MOTORS

                                                 WHILE STANDARD GEARED MOTORS OFFER THE PERFORMANCE
                                                 PARAMETERS REQUIRED BY THE AVERAGE FOOD MANUFACTURER,
                                                 THE STRICT HYGIENE REGULATIONS MEAN THAT IN MANY
                                                 APPLICATIONS, SPECIALIST MOTORS ARE PREFERABLE

                                                       he  Hazard  Analysis  and  Critical  Control  Point
                                                       (HACCP)  system  is  an  internationally  recognised
                                                       method  for  reducing  risk  factors  in  the
                                                 Tproduction  or  processing  of  food.  As  a
                                                 process  for  ongoing  improvement,  it  requires
                                                 manufacturers  to  continuously  evaluate  each
                                                 process in its production line to identify possible
                                                 hazards and minimise risk at critical points.
                                                    Understanding the process of analysing risk in
                                                 the production line and making improvements helps
                                                 to explain the evolution in geared motor technology that         higher  cleanability  of  the
                                                 is  favoured  by  the  industry.  Looking  to  the  past,  geared  motor  casing  and  prevents  re-
                                                 motors  were  always  recognised  as  a  favourable  drive  infection  of  the  local  environment
                                                 system  as  they  are  efficient  and  reliable.  However,  as  caused by air movement from a cooling fan.
                                                 regulations  surrounding  hygiene  became  tighter,  it  was  For  Rücker,  one  of  Europe’s  leading  dairy  producers,
                                                 soon necessary to source specialist solutions for the food  reducing  HACCP  risk  factors  is  a  key  approach  for  all
    FAULHABER Precision Gearheads                and beverage industry.                     developments along its production lines. Using this system,
                                                    Aseptic  drives  were  developed  for  applications  where  it has progressed from standard geared motor technology,
    Expand your                                  washdowns are required to maintain a clean environment.  through  aseptic  solutions,  and  now  has  the  newest
                                                 Drives are typically painted using acid- and alkali-resistant
                                                                                            evolution  stage  of  stainless  steel.  At  each  stage  of
                                                 coatings, which can withstand chemicals with a pH range  development, the new solutions offered distinct benefits to
    possibilities                                of  2–12.  As  a  result,  they  can  withstand  the  cleansing  the  incumbent  technology:  improving  efficiency,  reducing
                                                                                            maintenance and reducing risk.
                                                 solutions and disinfectants that are commonly used within
                                                 the food industry without affecting their performance.  A  60m-long  coagulator,  used  for  cheese  curd
    The new family of planetary                     Aseptic  drive  solutions  therefore  deliver  all  the  processing,  features  several  stirrers  that  keep  the  milk
                                                 performance  benefits  of  a  standard  geared  motor,  while  moving as the whey is removed from the curd. Each stirrer
    gearheads FAULHABER GPT.                     eliminating  some  of  the  hygiene  risks.  However,  with  a  moves along a section of the lane; once it reaches the end
    Move up a gear where others                  HACCP  system  in  place,  a  further  risk  assessment  may  of its section, the stirrer is lifted out of the curd and moves
    downshift.                                   identify  that  the  coatings  on  aseptic  drives  are  prone  to  back to the starting position.
                                                 damage.  This  would  expose  the  motor’s  surface  to  Rücker  first  approached  Bauer  when  its  engineers                         corrosive  chemicals  and  risk  the  food  product  being  identified that integrating the brakes into the housing of the
                                                 contaminated with paint fragments even when the coating  geared motor would increase cleanability in the system and
                                                 is FDA approved. Therefore, many in the industry are now  therefore reduce risk. Shortly after, Rücker began upgrading
                                                 specifying stainless steel solutions.      its geared motors to aseptic drives to take advantage of the
          NEW                                       Stainless steel geared motors meet all of the regulations  improved  hygiene  ratings.  Now  the  first  of  the  aseptic
                                                 set out by organisations such as the FDA and NSF without  drives have been replaced with stainless steel units from
                                                 the  need  for  specialist  coatings.  As  a  base  material,  Bauer.  The  stainless  steel  drives  still  offer  the  same
                                                 stainless  steel  is  inherently  resistant  to  corrosion  and  integrated  brake  feature  from  the  original  unit,  but  now
                                                 chemicals,  ensuring  that  repeated  washdowns  do  not  with  the  added  hygiene  performance  and  mechanical
                                                 adversely affect the reliability or hygienic qualities of the  resilience of a stainless steel housing.
                                                                                              Mr Krause, head of maintenance at Rücker, explains:
          NEU                                    geared motor. Further, when stainless steel is scratched, it  “We follow a philosophy of continuous improvement for all
                                                 does  not  compromise  the  corrosion  or  contamination
                                                 resistance of the geared motor.            of our production processes. Each update in geared motor
                                                    Stainless steel geared motors – such as the HiflexDrive  technology has represented a real-world improvement, but
                                                 from Bauer Gear Motor – are designed so that a fan and  we are always looking further ahead for what we can do
                                                 cooling  ribs  are  not  required,  thereby  allowing  for  a  next.  We  already  had  very  positive  experiences  with
                                                 completely  smooth  outer  casing  with  a  non-drive  end  Bauer’s products and were aware of their quality. When it
                                                 which is sealed. This allows the motor to be offered with  came to specifying a further upgrade to stainless steel, it
                                                 up to IP69k rating, which protects against high-pressured  was not surprising that the only supplier that offered a
                                                 washers  and  steam  cleaning.  The  elimination  of  venting  stainless option with built-in brakes was Bauer.”
                                                 elements creates a smooth outer surface, which provides a  MORE INFORMATION:

           WE CREATE MOTION                                                                           INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY • April 2020
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