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       Engineering the future

       Albert Einstein said: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me
       and I learn.” With skilled engineers in short supply, providing the next generation with
       vocational hands-on training is essential. Stewart Goulding, managing director at
       EMS, explains how apprenticeships are benefiting the engineering sector

              espite  over  700,000  people   many will require further training on specific
              participating in an apprenticeship   equipment and procedures. In fact, according to the
              between 2018 – 2019, the number of   Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 60
       Dnew apprenticeships being started has   per cent of engineering and technology employers
       fallen over the past decade. However, with   believe the shortage of skilled recruits is a barrier to
       technology rapidly advancing and the skills gap   achieving business goals.
       growing, engineering companies must increase   Apprenticeships can be designed with the
       investment in future recruits to remain competitive   company’s future needs in mind. Current and
       and productive. Apprenticeships offer the ideal   potential skill gaps in the company can be
       opportunity to mould the future generation and   identified, allowing the development of specialised
       better business.                     training and apprenticeship programmes. For
         Engineering is a highly technical and diverse   example, Miguel Millan, an apprentice at EMS,
       industry.  Sourcing recruits that have the relevant   began his training by scanning in technical
       qualifications and skills is difficult, and even then,   drawings, but is now a design engineer working on

                            June 2020 • INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY EXTRA! • p4
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