Page 17 - Industrial Technology EXTRA 8th June 2020
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systems. Dried solid waste can then be processed in for larger operations can include bailing for ease or
further operations. More sophisticated food waste transportation for other processes.
processing equipment can include compactors to Heason Technology works closely with its
compress food waste with the ability to not only customers across many industrial and research
remove water but also separate oils and yield the areas where its motion control components and
waste as a dry fibre suitable for biomass - these sub-systems play important enabling functions for
machines can provide significant ROI, not just in manufacturing machinery, test equipment and
reclaimed costs for the re-use of the material and where other demanding high precision positioning
reduced outside contracting costs but also tasks are vital. With a large product range
transport, labour and storage costs - as well as encompassing mechanical and electrical/electronic
saving the environmental kudos. components as well as motion control and industrial
Heason Technology can supply high-torque automation software from global distribution
servo motor driven rotary actuators with for this partners, Heason’s system integration expertise
type of equipment where torque control and rapid brings these component parts together with its own
profile-controlled acceleration can deliver the in-house design and build capability to deliver
precisely controlled high forces that improve complete motion controlled sub-systems.
process results and throughput times. Where Such systems include single and multi-axis
machine size and its footprint are important motion controls, servo or stepper motors and
considerations the higher power and torque ratios of complementary drive technology with both standard
these geared servo motors will realise a more and Heason designed customised positioning
compact machine design. Furthermore, the mechanics. Application areas include but are not
possibility of intelligent controls can bring additional restricted to aerospace and defence, printing &
benefits in machine operation, scalability and packaging, medical and laboratory automation,
processing flexibility. research and development, motorsports and
industrial automation.
High efficiency processing
Compacting waste such as cardboard and
packaging materials reduces volume and assists
with disposal or material recovery processing – and
is also made more efficient and productive with
motion control. By compressing materials in
machines fitted with competitively priced electric
actuators driven by geared motors, high
performance and high efficiency processing is
possible for machines of all sizes.
As opposed to machinery using hydraulic
actuators, the processing remains clean and
ultimately more controllable with the added benefit
of quieter operation. The machines that fulfil these
tasks include various sized equipment that can
compact product into bin bags or wheelie bins, or