Page 27 - Industrial Technology July 2021
P. 27
perform positioning and advanced motion control
functions for up to four axes. This controller also contains
a unique spring clamp terminal block, which maintains
the I/O connections even as machines vibrate, as is
common in this type of application.
A solution that raises interest
As a result of this collaboration, Mailroom Machines and
Mitsubishi Electric created a highly sustainable, stand-
alone mail wrapping machine, which can be integrated
into different types of production lines, supporting a wide
range of applications and manufacturers. Paul Jones
comments: “We are very happy with Mitsubishi Electric’s
high-quality products and service team. The automation
devices were extremely easy to install and use. Also, our
in-house programmer was able to quickly learn how to
code and operate all of the equipment.
“The results of this successful collaboration are already
benefiting our global customers, with many of them
having ordered the new machine that has been developed.
In addition, we are now working with Mitsubishi Electric’s
specialists on a new project to further increase efficiency
and productivity of the wrapping section.”
James McClelland concludes: “We are delighted to
support ground-breaking sustainable projects, such as the
one from Mailroom Machines, with our state-of-the-art
automation solutions. We look forward to collaborating
be adjusted. In effect, while polyethylene (PET) is rather parameters.” These parameters are adjusted easily with the company again to further enhance its capabilities
flexible and malleable, paper wrappers are more rigid, through the GOT2000 HMI, which supports real-time and develop a system that is able to advance the mail
posing the risk of tearing and creasing if the tension monitoring during operations. industry.”
applied is too high or low. Furthermore, Mitsubishi Electric specified a MELSEC- MORE INFORMATION:
To provide advanced control over the tension applied in iQ-F FX5UC micro
the machine, Mitsubishi Electric recommended its PLC to control loading
innovative FR-A800-R2R inverter, which has dedicated and unloading
functions for roll-to-roll applications. James McClelland, operations when new
Account Manager at Mitsubishi Electric, explains: “We paper rolls are
decided to use the FR-A800-R2R because the specific required. The FX5UC
winding and unwinding capabilities of the inverter features one of the
matched the intended application perfectly and greatly most powerful CPUs
simplified programming tasks, as the customer only has to available on the
input the necessary values for the key process market and can
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