Page 32 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - Brexit Briefing
P. 32


        Mining and quarrying output fell by 0.4% in
                                             FIG 5. THE UK POSTED A TRADE SURPLUS OF 0.2% IN Q3
        the third quarter of 2020, a downward
        revision from the first estimate of a 1.3%
        increase. Output of electricity, gas, steam
        and air conditioning grew by 7.7% in Q3
        2020, a downward revision from the previous
        estimate of an 8.1% increase. Water supply
        and sewerage output grew by 5.1% in the
        third quarter, an upward revision from the first
        estimate of a 4.8% increase.

        Net trade
        There were large falls in gross trade flows in
        the second quarter, reflecting contractions in
        global demand as well as disruptions to
        supply chains. These trade flows have
        recovered somewhat in the third quarter.

        Today’s figures show that the UK posted a   estimates with actual data. Imports fell by   also an increase in the import of
        trade surplus of 0.2% of nominal GDP in the   more than exports in the second quarter, in   miscellaneous manufactures, reflecting an
        third quarter of 2020 (Figure 5), a downward   part reflecting the relatively large contraction   increase in imports of clothing.
        revision from the first estimate of a trade   in UK GDP. Some of this has recovered in the
        surplus of 0.9% of nominal GDP. However, it   latest quarter, as the UK economy   External survey evidence points towards a
        should be noted that this figure is inclusive   experienced a relatively large pickup in   recovery in export orders towards the end of
        of precious metals – including volatile   demand. The narrowing of the trade surplus   the third quarter. The September IHS Markit
        movements of non-monetary gold. When   in the third quarter was mainly driven by   UK Manufacturing PMI stated that “the
        these are excluded, the UK posted a trade   movements in trade in goods, with goods   ongoing reopening of many economies
        surplus of 0.3% of nominal GDP in the third   exports falling by 2.3% and goods imports   around the world from lockdowns and
        quarter, revised from the previous estimate.   increasing by 19.9%.     changes to Covid-19 restrictions boosted the
                                                                                export performance of the UK manufacturing
        The revision to the trade balance in the latest   The large increase in goods imports was   sector in September”.
        quarter was largely driven by trade in goods.   driven by increases in machinery and
        This is because the uncertainty from the   transport equipment, particularly cars. This   However, the September CBI Industrial
        coronavirus pandemic has meant that the   is likely because of the reopening of some   Trends Survey noted that despite a slight
        imputation method for some of the goods   car dealerships as coronavirus restrictions   strengthening in export order books from
        adjustments has caused larger than usual   eased from June onwards and the build-up   their August levels, these “continue to be far
        revisions when replacing the imputed   of demand during this period. There was   below their long-run average”.

        Fall in private sector activity accelerates

        in December, finds CBI Growth Indicator

        Private sector activity fell at a faster pace in   carried out before the introduction of tier 4   a dreadful year. These figures show that
        the three months to December (balance of   and other new restrictions announced within   private sector activity continues to decline,
        -21% from -16% in November). That’s   the devolved nations.             with the second lockdown in England having
        according to the CBI’s monthly Growth                                   a particularly significant impact on our all-
        Indicator.                          Increased restrictions              important services sector. But while public
                                            Charlotte Dendy, CBI principal economist,   health must come first, businesses will now
        The composite measure was based on 595   said: “The economy is having a bad end to   be wrestling with the increased restrictions
        respondents between 23 November and 14                                  into the new year. The Government has
        December. Within this, consumer services                                helped by making clear that there will be no
        (-59% from -42%) fell at a sharper pace                                 changes to the furlough scheme until at least
        which is to be expected given the second                                Spring next year, while applications for
        national lockdown in England fell within the                            Government-backed  loans  can  also
        survey field period, while distribution                                 continue.
        volumes were flat (-2% from +10%).
                                                                                “That said, there is no doubt that a fresh look
        Manufacturers (-6% from -6%) and business                               will be needed in January as to how the
        and professional services firms (-21% from                              Government can support UK businesses,
        -21%) reported the same pace of decline as                              given a renewed tightening in restrictions
        last month. Looking ahead, the pace of                                  after an already tough year. All efforts must
        decline is expected to remain broadly similar                           be made to accelerate the roll out of mass
        in the three months ahead (-18%), although                              rapid testing and the vaccine so they can
        it should be noted that the survey was                                  start to have a material impact.”

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