Page 28 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - Brexit Briefing
P. 28


        Big data dissatisfaction is

        driving demand at the Edge

        Demand for low-latency real-time insights is seeing increased demand for Edge
        analytics – a market that Frost & Sullivan says could be worth some $1.18bn by 2025

        Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, Growth
        Opportunities in the Global Edge Analytics
        Market, Forecast to 2025, finds that

        Dissatisfaction with Big Data Analytics (BDA)
        is increasing the uptake of edge analytics
        solutions across industry verticals. Frost &
        Sullivan’s  recent  analysis,  Growth
        Opportunities in the Global Edge Analytics
        Market, examines the key competitors in the
        edge analytics software market, revenue
        forecast analysis by region and industry
        vertical, and much more.

        Demand for machine intelligence (MI) and
        artificial intelligence (AI) applications at the
        edge is driving the market adoption of edge
        analytics. By 2025, the global edge analytics
        software market is estimated to witness
        nearly five-fold growth, garnering a revenue   devices (IADs), and multiplexers to sift   expansion. Key revenue contributors in the
        of $1.18 billion from $254.8 million in 2020.   through and rank large amounts of data.   market include SAS,, SAP, Rockwell
                                            Edge analytics software analyses data on the   Automation and FogHorn Systems. Other
        “Businesses recognise data as a valuable   device, reduces latency, eliminates the need   market vendors include and
        asset, which they can leverage to create a   for large amounts of data transfers, maintains   Guavus.
        competitive  advantage,  operational   data privacy, provides real-time actionable
        efficiencies, new revenue opportunities,   insights locally, reduces cost, and increases   Edge vendors such as Siemens, Intel,
        customer satisfaction, and even industry   scale.                       SiSense and NVIDIA are still piloting edge
        disruption,” said Anisha Vinny, program                                 software solutions driven by use cases;
        manager for information and communication   Several Big Data analytics (BDA) vendors   however, they have not been included in the
        technologies at Frost & Sullivan.   have expanded or are expanding their   analysis this year. Additionally, IBM,
                                            product portfolio to include edge analytics   Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services (AWS)
        “Approximately 51% of business leaders   solutions and provide insights in real-time,   provide open-source solutions or software
        surveyed by Frost & Sullivan claimed that   rather than moving data to a central hub for   development kits to support the developer
        investigating and utilising data is a top   analysis.  Edge  ecosystem  vendors   community in creating edge analytics
        business priority. Cost reduction is cited as   collaborate to push the technology forward   solutions.
        a strategic priority by 78% of business   and compete to gain first-mover advantage
        leaders, while 72% are willing to invest in   across industry verticals and locations.   Vinny added: “By 2025, the North America
        technologies that could reduce spending.”                               and Latin America (NALA) region, led by the
                                            There is a consensus that a single vendor   United States, will be a key adopter of edge
        Edge analytics solutions utilise devices such   cannot deliver on all future use cases;   analytics solutions, accounting for 59.3% of
        as routers, sensors, integrated access   collaboration is becoming the key to market   the total market revenue. Europe, Middle
                                                                                East, and Africa (EMEA) region is the
                                                                                second-largest revenue contributor in the
                                                                                market, followed by Asia-Pacific. In terms of
                                                                                industry verticals, the manufacturing sector
                                                                                leads the way, followed by energy and

                                                                                To capitalise on the immense growth
                                                                                prospects, market participants should focus
                                                                                on the following industry verticals:

                                                                                Manufacturing:  Predictive  analytics,
                                                                                primarily predictive maintenance, is a critical
                                                                                use case in the manufacturing sector.

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