Page 24 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - Brexit Briefing
P. 24


        Remote set-up support

        RICHARD MOSS, director of global services at Physik Instrumente (PI), looks at the

        challenges of adapting to a remote services approach in a socially-distanced world
        Precision positioning systems are used for a
        broad variety of complex applications
        worldwide, but they need to be efficiently
        installed and optimised to offer the
        necessary accuracy. But how can this be
        achieved when on-site support is either not
        cost-effective or, as in the case of the current
        Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, is prevented
        by travel bans? This article discusses the
        benefits a low-cost, remote set-up service
        can bring, giving customers access to expert
        guidance over the phone or via screen
        sharing from anywhere in the world, and
        ensuring that new systems can be fully
        optimised and productive from day one.

        On-site services are currently difficult – if not
        impossible – to access due to ongoing travel
        restrictions worldwide because of the current   absolutely pivotal. Putting in place systems   telephone support and screen sharing with
        COVID-19 pandemic. This situation is   and services to allow rapid resolution of   an expert. This helps to ensure not only
        unlikely to change in the immediate future,   issues – whether during installation or routine   correct set-up, but also that the system is
        which is why companies such as PI are   operation – can therefore help to improve   optimised and tailored to their application
        exploring remote options to combat this   overall customer satisfaction. Crucially, these   and environment. Experience is critical for
        servicing challenge. Businesses need to   potential ‘pain points’ should be explored   this, making sure you are getting the most
        work dynamically and collaboratively to meet   and understood before initial installation   out of your systems, and potentially making
        ongoing customer needs as they arise, and   even occurs, to ensure the right solution is   you aware of features that you didn't even
        to continue to provide service operations   selected.                   know existed.
        while keeping disruption to productivity to a
        minimum.                            Experts around the world            The cost of providing on-site support is also
                                            Adopting new approaches, such as a triage   something that needs to be considered. In
        Unexpectedly, the creation of low-cost,   system, is an excellent way to quickly guide   many cases, the best person to speak to for
        remote set-up services is making initial   customers to the most appropriate expert for   your particular problem – especially with
        installation even easier than before, as   technical questions. This remote way of   complex systems – may not be in a nearby
        experts in the field can guide customers   working means that customers have access   location and could potentially be in a
        through the process of installing their newly   to experts all over the world, and are not   different country. This means that on top the
        acquired systems from a distance, wherever   limited to the resources available in their own   cost that expert’s time, travel will be
        they are in the world. This innovative service   country.               incorporated into the price of support. The
        offering – which can include dedicated                                  resulting downtime while waiting for an
        coaching, guidance and support alongside   It also means that the customer will always   expert to reach you could also be costly,
        the initial set-up – overcomes the demand of   be in touch with the best possible person to   especially with ongoing travel restrictions.
        organising on-site support in difficult   resolve their problems, whether that’s
        circumstances, and can save customers time   someone in R&D or post-sale technical  A more convenient arrangement
        and money in the long run by providing   support. This also provides companies with   Upfront one-to-one remote support allows
        optimal performance right from the start.    data on the most commonly encountered   experts to guide customers through the set-
                                            issues, allowing them to build a guide for   up process to provide a better understanding
        A flexible new approach             frequently asked questions, so that others   of their systems, which creates a more
        The challenges presented by the pandemic   with similar problems can find answers even   personalised service. A quick phone call is
        have highlighted the need for companies to   more quickly in future; it’s a more efficient   often much more convenient for customers
        tailor the support services they offer to their   way of working.       than booking an on-site expert, and allows
        customers. This could involve adding new                                any questions or problems to be discussed
        structures and formats, and investing in the   Customers that take advantage of remote   and resolved in the most efficient way.
        development of products that can simplify   service offerings can save a significant   Working with customers strategically as a
        troubleshooting and optimisation even when   amount of time, as they no longer have to   trusted advisor or partner ensures that
        distance is a problem.              search through manuals to follow the step-  everyone is working towards the common
                                            by-step installation procedure, and common   goal of building a fully optimised system, and
        In a production line environment, such as the   set-up errors are avoided. Instead, they can   remote service offerings are the perfect
        automation sector, companies lose money   take advantage of remote set-up support at   solution for this collaborative relationship.
        when things stop working; uptime is   a convenient, prescheduled time – including

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