Page 26 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - Brexit Briefing
P. 26


        Over half of small businesses

        risk closing within 12 months

        53% of smaller business owners in the UK admit they are at risk of closing in the next
        year, and one in 12 say they are already on the brink and could close within weeks

        A new study amongst smaller businesses in
        the UK has found that 55% say trade is
        suffering due to lockdown, with just 30% able
        to operate as normal.

        As a result, 53% of small business owners
        admit they are at risk of closing in the next
        year. Just 33% feel confident enough to say
        ‘there is no chance my business will fold in
        the next 12 months’. The research found that
        many are already on the brink, with 1 in 12
        smaller businesses saying they ‘will close’ in
        a matter of weeks.

        Conversely, lockdown has led to a boost for
        roughly one in six smaller businesses (16%)
        that say they are doing better than before –
        half of which saying they are doing much

        The data highlights that smaller businesses
        have been disproportionately affected during
        lockdown. Whilst 87% of medium sized
        businesses in the UK have been able to trade
        to some degree, just 73% of micro
        businesses and 60% of sole traders have   figures paint a very mixed picture for small   up and down the UK and that the country is
        been able to. The figures follow previous   businesses in the UK – those that were able   facing a recession. It is therefore more
        research in November 2019, when a quarter   to adapt are generally doing well. Smaller   important than ever to support small
        of small businesses in the UK said they   businesses are often able to be more agile   businesses - not only does money spent
        would have to close in the next 12 months if   when it comes to conforming to social   directly help owners and their families, it
        they did not have a good end to the year.   distancing and other rules.   contributes to the huge benefit small
                                                                                businesses as a whole have on the UK
        Claire Davenport, CEO of the company   “But there is no doubt that lockdown has had   economy - as well as offering a more vibrant
        which conducted the research, said: “The   a negative impact on many small businesses   and diverse range of products.”

        Four in ten small businesses believe it will

        take at least five years for UK to recover

        Four in ten (39%) small business owners   recover by the end of 2021, while more than   unequivocal message to the Government.
        believe it will take at least five years for the   a quarter (28%) said a full recovery will take   The small businesses we polled are
        UK economy to fully recover from the impact   up to three years. 18% believe it will take up   unanimous that a full economic recovery will
        of lockdown and Covid-19.           to five years for the economy to bounce   take years not months. But it’s these very
                                            back. But the biggest share of the vote (39%)   same businesses that so many people
        The #ForgottenLtd Campaign polled more   went to those who believed it will be 2025   depend on for their jobs, big companies for
        than 1,000 small business owners on the   and beyond before the UK economy is back   their supplies, and customers for their
        state of the UK economy. They were asked a   on its feet.               products and services.
        simple question: How long do you think it will
        be before the UK economy fully recovers   Gina Broadhurst, co-founder of the   “We are all linked so if small businesses are
        from the impact of lockdown and Covid-19?   #ForgottenLtd Campaign, comments: “The   in trouble, we are all in trouble. But it’s not
        Only 15% believe the economy will fully   results of this snap poll send out an   too late to save them.”

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