Page 9 - Mothmageddon
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      This guide is designed to protect you and all you hold most dear from one of the most common and very nasty threats to your valued belongings that exist in the UK and Europe today. If you’re like many of our customers, you probably weren’t even aware that your home insurance policy didn’t cover you against this virulent and all too common pest, a pest which even now could be destroying your precious things.
That’s why we urge you to take action now even if you’re fortunate enough not to be dealing with a moth infestation. As you’ll learn, it’s only a matter of time before clothes-eating, carpet-eating and food-eating moths do become an issue for you.
And, if you’re already battling those ravenous, destructive insects, we’ll show you how to get rid of the moths in your wardrobes, carpets and upholstery, food cupboards and even musical instruments and ensure they never return.
How we can help
Caraselle has been Europe’s number one expert in Clothes Care since 1982. During all those years, we’ve been giving homeowners and business owners like you peace of mind by protecting homes and premises from these most damaging of insects.
“Moths gone! 100% satisfied.” – Amanda
In this guide, you’ll learn how to identify the different kinds of moths that cause so much damage inside your home.
You’ll also learn how to spot the telltale signs that your house or apartment has already fallen prey to these costly invaders and what immediate steps you must take to protect your other possessions.
If you’re one of the very lucky ones in this country whose home hasn’t already been invaded by moths, you’ll learn the best way to stop them ever creeping into your wardrobe (especially important advice if you buy antique, vintage or secondhand clothes or

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