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                                                                 architecture                                             Until now,  the old in-
                                                                                                                          habitants of the village

                                                                                                                          have memories of this

                                                                                                                          relic. This helps the

                                                            The peculiarity of its archi-                                 residents of the village

                                                            tecture is that it is illuminat-                              of Pozharki in their

                                                            ed through the windows in                                     good deeds.

                                                            the domed structure. It was
      This church is one of the                             not rich in special jewelry

      most beautiful in our area                            and utensils, but it kept  a sa-

      for its architecture. Com-                            cred jewel - a part of the

        ing painters do not pass                            bone of St. John the Baptist,

        by such beauty, and the                             donated to the church by

       locals ones have immor-                              Princess Golitsina.

      talized it long ago on their

     canvases. You can see the-

       se wonderful paintings in

         the Sergach  Regional

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