Page 4 - tmp
P. 4
Description of
the temple
Ordeals of the
From the archive Soviet period
The temple underwent great
It was plastered inside and out, strength tests in Soviet peri-
the dome and roof were cov- od. It has been closed for a
Research of ered with iron and painted with long time. In the postwar
copper paint . There were 3 years, a collective farm ware-
historical documents barred windows in the altar, 9 house was set up there.
windows without bars but with In 1990 - 1993, thanks to the
wire mesh in the dome. The efforts of the villagers and
In 1901, at the direction of cost of the church with a bell sponsors, the temple was re-
the Spiritual Consistory, a tower was 10,000 rubles. The stored. It serves people and
description of the church bell tower had 7 bells of differ- brings joy to this day.
property of the Nikolskaya ent sizes, the largest bell
Church was compiled. weighed 2604 kg, the smallest The temple is a symbol of
From it you can find out bell -122kg. peace, kindness, friend-
what the temple was like at
the beginning of the last ship, love, mutual under-
century. standing.