Page 4 - Prosper Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
P. 4

Dear Investors,

                                                            Prosper  on  Fayette  continues  to  successfully  posture  itself  in  a  post-
                                                            pandemic  lease  up  market.  Below  is  a  brief  update  on  industry  trends,
                                                            investment return and investment performance.

                                                            INDUSTRY TREND

                                                            Prosper  on  Fayette  completed  construction  in August  2021,  bringing  an
                                                            additional 181 units/314 beds to the UMB student housing market. Outside
                                                            of  Fayette  Square  and  Pascault  Row,  Prosper  on  Fayette  is  the  only
                                                            other purpose-built student property in the market. Currently, the average
                                                            occupancy  for  all  competitors  (9  properties  totaling  1,829  units)  in  the
                                                            market is 76% with Prosper on Fayette being occupied at 59%. Overall, the
                                                            market continues to climb out of pandemic levels and looks to stabilize in
                                                            the Fall of 2022.

                                                            INVESTMENT RETURN

                                                            The Manager will continue to suspend cash distributions to the Members
                                                            until  the  property  achieves  at  least  85%  occupancy.  Suspending  cash
                                                            distributions  helps  to  increase  operational  reserves.  Once  the  property
                                                            exceeds the required occupancy, cash distributions to the partnership will
                                                            resume. The property is currently stable from a cash flow standpoint. The
                                                            Manager does not anticipate the need for a capital call. Additionally, the
                                                            less than projected occupancy prohibits the original plan to refinance this
                                                            Academic Year. Instead, the Manager will look to refinance the asset next
                                                            year upon a successful lease-up.

                                                            INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE

                                                            Prosper on Fayette is seeing strong interest from current residents to renew
                                                            their lease for the upcoming year. The management team is also seeing
                                                            new prospects from residents at Fayette Square, UMB’s on campus housing
                                                            option, placing Prosper 23% ahead YOY. Based on retention expectations as
                                                            well as market information from the 2021 lease up, occupancy is forecasted
                                                            to  climb,  reaching  over  90%  for  the  2022-23  academic  year.  Prosper  is
                                                            currently offering renewal incentives in the form of weekly prize giveaways.
                                                            The goal is to keep the pace and stay ahead of the fall projections by 15%
                                                            each week. The key is keeping the traffic up so that the team has enough
                                                            leads to get the property filled.

                                                            Thank you for your partnership.
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