Page 8 - Prosper Investor Quarterly Report Academic Year 2021-2022 Quarter 2
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Baltimore Properties I, LLC
  Prosper on Fayette
                                                                                  Budget Comparison Report
                                                                                        Managed by RISE Residential
                                                                                         As of January 31, 2022

                                                Prior MTD                                                                                                     Prior YTD                   Current
        Month to Date 01/31/2022               01/31/2021                                                             Year to Date 01/31/2022                01/31/2021               Fiscal Year
         Actual      Budget     Variance             Actual    Variance                                               Actual      Budget     Variance              Actual    Variance      Budget

                                                                          RENTAL INCOME
      419,650     419,650            0                   0    419,650       5120 - Gross Potential Rent (GPR)    2,517,900   2,517,900            0                   0   2,517,900    5,035,800
         (680)           0        (680)                  0       (680)      5125 - Gain/Loss to Lease               (2,464)           0      (2,464)                  0       (2,464)          0
      418,970     419,650         (680)                  0    418,970       GROSS RENTAL INCOME                  2,515,437   2,517,900       (2,464)                  0   2,515,437    5,035,800
                                                                            COST OF LEASING
     (166,387)   (178,495)     12,108                    0   (166,387)       5220 - Rent Loss-Vacancy           (1,058,094) (1,094,435)      36,343                   0 (1,058,093) (2,135,885)
       (2,590)      (2,590)          0                   0     (2,590)       5221 - Rent Loss-Model                (15,540)    (15,540)           0                   0     (15,540)     (31,080)
       (3,108)      (3,941)        833                   0     (3,108)       5223 - Employee Units                 (17,353)    (23,646)       6,293                   0     (17,353)     (47,292)
         (250)           0        (250)                  0       (250)       5250 - Concessions                   (366,729)   (367,045)         315                   0    (366,729)    (367,045)
       (6,784)           0      (6,784)                  0     (6,784)       5255 - Bad Debt Expense               (11,269)           0     (11,269)                  0     (11,269)     (12,976)
     (179,119)   (185,026)       5,907                   0   (179,119)      TOTAL COST OF LEASING               (1,468,985) (1,500,666)      31,682                   0 (1,468,984) (2,594,278)

      239,851     234,624        5,227                   0    239,851     NET RENTAL INCOME                      1,046,452   1,017,234       29,218                   0   1,046,452    2,441,522

                                                                          OTHER INCOME
       13,300      12,775          525                   0     13,300       5170 - Parking/Garage Rental            77,881      76,650        1,231                   0      77,881      153,300
          650          134         516                   0        650       5920 - Late Charge Income                2,950         536        2,414                   0       2,950        1,340
          140           35         105                   0        140       5924 - NSF Check Fee Income                245         140          105                   0         245          350
             0           0           0                   0           0      5926 - Administrative Fee                2,600            0       2,600                   0       2,600       33,750
        2,534            0       2,534                   0      2,534       5930 - Resident Damages                  2,534            0       2,534                   0       2,534            0
             0           0           0                   0           0      5936 - Parking Permit Fees                   0            0           0                   0            0      35,000
          350            0         350                   0        350       5951 - Application Fees                  1,775            0       1,775                   0       1,775        3,375
             0           0           0                   0           0      5952 - Onetime Pet Fee Income              500            0         500                   0         500            0
             0           0           0                   0           0      5953 - Fines                               250            0         250                   0         250            0
          100            0         100                   0        100       5954 - Replmnt Keys/Cards/Lock Outs        830            0         830                   0         830            0
        6,719            0       6,719                   0      6,719       5956 - Utility Income                   36,953            0      36,953                   0      36,953            0
          250            0         250                   0        250       5957 - Transfer Fees                       500            0         500                   0         500            0
          120           80          40                   0        120       5964 - Monthly Pet Rent Income             480         480            0                   0         480          960
             0           0           0                   0           0      5146 - Relet Fee                           250            0         250                   0         250            0
       24,163      13,024      11,139                    0     24,163     TOTAL OTHER INCOME                      127,748       77,806       49,942                   0     127,748      228,075

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