Page 94 - VCC 2022 Capital Plan New Binded
P. 94


 affect the budget, but will continue to enhance the member   What future projects have been considered?
           We have generally discussed the need for upgrades to our kitchen
 What are the other projects and why are they being considered?   facility and a possible renovation or expansion of certain areas within
           the clubhouse facility dependent upon member growth over the next
 As outlined above in Phase 1, we are considering additional projects   few years.  In addition, we have generally talked about consolidating
 other than the golf course.  Those are under consideration mainly due   some of the children’s activities around the pool area and expanding
 to expressions of membership desire and interest in the survey as well   the pool kitchen to be a short order service area which would service
 as items which are at the end of their useful life and must be replaced   the practice facility, short course and the pool facility at some point in
 such as the parking lot.  We came to the belief that these additional   the future.
 projects would contribute to the ability of the Club to attract new
 members and grow as we believe it can over the next few years.  In   If we do nothing what is the outlook for our club?
 addition, we have come to understand from several sources that there
 is almost an infallible truth among private clubs that, if you are not   We think it is safe to say that, if we continue to limp along and deal
 building and changing to suit the needs of your next perspective   with very poor conditions on our golf course for the next several years,
 member, you are regressing.  Thus, we are trying to anticipate needs   at some point we will see significant cost simply by the passage of
           time. In addition, if we do not change the trajectory of our finances, as
 and wants of our current members and those that will attract new   proposed, we will continue down the faulty path of not repairing or
 members going forward.
           maintaining our current assets and when they reach the end of their
 Is there a marketing plan for attracting new members?   useful life having to significantly assess our members to replace them.
           We believe that all of this can be resolved by the plan we have put
 The Long Range Planning Marketing Committee is working to create   forward and are happy to delve into the details of that with any
 a marketing plan to attract new members.
 Will members who participated in the Centennial Program be   Will we be able to play golf during the renovation?
 given any consideration for their participation?
           The short answer is Yes.  Our Golf course designer, Bill Bergin,
 Yes, we are developing a plan which will be presented to the   estimates that we will have at least 18 holes open until February or
 participants in the Centennial Program in short order.  We anticipate it   March of 2023.  We would continue to have the Plantation nine open
 being very fair to those participants as well as the other members of   through April of 2023.  From April through end of construction and
 the Club.
           grow in, we expect to have at least holes 2-7 on Plantation open for
 Have we considered additional course routings?   play.  We are also entering into reciprocal agreements with several
           area courses to give members options on play.
 Yes, at the behest of several members at our last meeting over these
 topics, we developed and asked Mr. Bergin to review 2 additional
 course routings.  We all felt firmly that it must be the course designer
 that ultimately makes the call on the viability of these course routings
 and whether or not they are good solid golf course designs for our
 facility.  After discussing with Mr. Bergin, we have determined that the
 best routing was the one which he put forward at our meeting early in
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